cod. 1005875

Academic year 2017/18
1° year of course - First semester
Alessandro CHELLI
Academic discipline
Geografia fisica e geomorfologia (GEO/04)
Discipline geomorfologiche e geologiche applicative
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Students will learn the fundamental concepts to use geomorphologic map as territorial information source for hazards evaluation and risk management.
During the course, the student will learn the main geomorphologic hazards and risks of the Alps, Apennines and Po Plain.


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Course unit content

The general concepts on hydrologic, geologic and geomorphologic hazards and related risk management will be the matter of the first part of the course.
In the second part of the course, the main geomorphologic hazards will be illustrate also through the description of case studies.

Full programme

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-Brancucci G., Marin V., Salmona P. – Geomorfologia applicata. Edizioni, 241 pp., 2011.
-Carraro F. – Geologia del Quaternario. L’evoluzione geologica degli ambienti superficiali. Dario Flaccovio Editore, 393 pp., 2012.
-Dramis F. e Bisci C. - Cartografia geomorfologica. Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 1998.
-Fookes P.G., Lee E.M., Griffiths J.S. - Engineering geomorphology. Theory and practice. Whittles Publishing, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 281 pp., 2007.
Gisotti G. e Benedini M. –“Il dissesto idrogeologico”, Serie Scienze e Tecnica, Carocci Ed., Roma, 2000.
-Marchetti M.- “Geomorfologia fluviale”, Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 2000.
-Marchetti M. & Rivas V. (Eds) – “Geomorphology and environmental impact assessment”, Balkema Pbs, Amsterdam, 2001.
-Panizza M. - Manuale di Geomorfologia applicata. Franco Angeli Editore, 530 pp., 2005.
-Smith M.J., Paron P., Griffiths J.S. (eds) - Geomorphological Mapping. Methods and applications. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 612 pp., 2011.
-Turner A.K. and Schuster R.L. (Eds.) – LANDSLIDES: investigation and mitigation. TRB special report 247, Nat. Academy Press, Washington D.C., 1996.

Teaching methods

Lesson, laboratory, field trip

Assessment methods and criteria

oral and applied test

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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