cod. 15463

Academic year 2018/19
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze tecniche mediche applicate (MED/50)
Tirocinio differenziato per specifico profilo
Type of training activity
700 hours
of face-to-face activities
28 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: ANNUAL PROFESSIONAL TRAINING II

Learning objectives

At the end of the training period the student must:
1. To be able to carry out observations in moments of play, free activities and rehabilitation sessions;
2. Having witnessed Logopediche evaluations in the context of pathologies of communication, verbal language and learning in developmental age
3. Having witnessed logopediche assessments in the areas of communication, verbal and learning disorders in adulthood and geriatric age
4. Know how to complete the Logopedica folder for the pathologies on which the trainig is carried out in the second year
5. Begin to know the diagnostic protocols investigating the communicative, linguistic, cognitive, neuropsychological and Learning topics (reading, writing, mathematics) in the evolutionary and adult age
6. Start to apply diagnostic protocols and prepare logopaedic material for the following pathologies:
- Language Disorders in Developmental age (DSL, dispraxis, disorders consequent to perceptual deficits, cognitive,..)
- learning disabilities
- voice disorders
-aphasia in the adult
- Neurological dysphagia in adult

7. Start managing relationships with families and patients
8. Knowing how to use and evaluate standardised tests and informal control methods for
Understanding of communicative disorders.
9. Plan therapy goals for each individual therapeutic session.
10. Use the techniques of the Anamnestic data collection interview
11. Know and judge the different functions and methods of diagnostics before and after therapy;
12. Observing and describing verbal and non- verbal conduct, recording and analyzing interactions


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Course unit content

The contents of the annual training are diversified according to the agreement structure where the training is carried out, are defined and included within the training pacts.

Full programme

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Refer to the texts recommended by teachers of Didactics Professional (MED50)

Teaching methods

The learning in training takes place through the practical experimentation, the integration of the theoretical-disciplinary knowledge with the professional and organizational practice, the contact with members of the specific professional group.

Assessment methods and criteria

The verification of learning takes place through examination of final training course that consists of oral and practical tests. In addition, during the course of the internship, oral/written or practical checks are carried out by the internship tutors in the various training venues. The ongoing evaluations are carried out in cards (know how to be and know how to do) and the votes contribute to determine the final vote

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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