cod. 1007080

Academic year 2018/19
2° year of course -
Alessandro SOLDATI
Academic discipline
Convertitori, macchine e azionamenti elettrici (ING-IND/32)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

1) Knowledge and understanding.
This module aims at providing students with basic knowledge and understanding of:
- electric systems behavior in steady state, quasi steady state and dynamic conditions;
- electromechanical system behavior
- electric circuit analysis
- energetic behavior of electric systems
- magnetic circuit behavior under linear assumption

2) Applying knowledge and understanding
Students will be able to:
- analyzing and designing electric circuits
- compensate the reactive power in electric power plants
- make use of analog or digital voltmeter, ampere meter and wattmeter.


The students are expected to be familiar with the notions of mathematics and physics taught in the 1st and 2nd year of the Laurea in Mechanical Engineering
(Analisi matematica 1, Analisi matematica 2, Fisica generale 1, Fisica generale 2).

Course unit content

The course aims to provide the students with the general criteria to analyze the behavior electrical circuits used for industrial applications. Therefore, the contents proposed during the course include the following topics:

a) Electric Systems in steady state conditions.

b) Electric Systems in quasi steady state conditions.

c) Electric systems dynamic behavior.

d) Magnetic circuits.

Full programme

> Introduction to Electrical Circuits (2 hours)
* Electrical and Electronic Engineering
* Models, methods and representations
* Pros and cons for Mechanics and Informatics
* Logistics of the course

> DC networks - Introduction (2 hours)
* Fundamental quantities
- Charge and charge density
- Electric field, electric potential, voltage
- Current and current density
- Conductivity and resistivity
* Ohm's laws
- First Ohm's Law
- Second Ohm's Law
* Components modeling
- Generators
- Resistors
- Capacitors
- Inductors
- Conventions (load, generator)

> DC networks - Methods 1 (2 hours)
* From Maxwell to Kirchhoff
- Loops and nodes
- KVL and KCL
- Hints to the derivation from Maxwell's equations
* Analysis methods
- Nodal analysis
* Exercises

> DC networks - Methods 2 (2 hours)
* Analysis methods
- Loop analysis
* Exercises

> DC networks - Methods 3 (2 hours)
* Exercises

> Reti in continua - Methods 4 (2 hours)
* Exercises

> DC networks - Theorems 1 (2 hours)
* Network theorems
- Linearity
- Superposition principle
* Exercises

> DC networks - Theorems 2 (2 hours)
* Network theorems
- Thevenin's theorem
- Norton's theorem
* Exercises

> DC networks - Applications 1 (2 hours)
* Applications
- Resistors in parallel and in series
- Voltage and current dividers
* Exercises

> DC networks - Applications 2 (2 hours)
* Applications
- Millman's theorem
- Instruments
* Exercises

> AC networks - Phasors (2 hours)
* Phasors
* Impedance and admittance
* Exercises

> AC networks - Resonance (2 hours)
* Resonance and antiresonance
* Exercises

> AC networks - Power 1 (2 hours)
* Potenza
* Exercises

> AC networks - Power 2 (2 hours)
* Impedance matching
* Power factor correction
* Exercises

> AC networks - Poliphase systems (2 hours)
* Poliphase systems
* Power in three-phase systems
* Exercises

> Transients 1 (2 hours)
* First-order transients
* Autonomous and forced responses
* Exercises

> Transients 2 (2 hours)
* Second-order transients
* Autonomous and forced responses
* Exercises

> Electrical machines 1 (2 hours)
* Definition of magnetic quantities
- Magnetic field
- Flux density
- Magneto-motive force
- Flux and linked flux
- Inductance and reluctance
* Hopkinson's law
* Exercises

> Electrical machines 2 (2 hours)
* Magnetically-coupled circuits
* Transformers
* Exercises

> Electrical machines 3 (2 hours)
* Transformers
* Hints about motors and generators

> Practice on exercises (8 hours)


The student can study the topics discussed during the course reading the following textbooks:
• G. Rizzoni “Elettrotecnica principi e applicazioni” McGraw-Hill
• G. Fabricatore, “Elettrotecnica ed applicazioni”, Ed. Liguori.
The notes of the lectures and exercises will be available to students and shared on the Elly web site.

Teaching methods

The module 1 of the course counts 6 CFUs (one CFU, University Credits equals one ECTS credit and represents the workload of a student during educational activities aimed at passing the exams), which corresponds to 42 hours of lectures. The educational activities include lectures and exercises. During lectures, the course topics are proposed from the theoretical and design point of view in order to promote a deep understanding of the issues and to bring out by the students any previous knowledge on the subjects in question.
The slides and notes used to support the lessons will be uploaded to the Elly platform. Notes, slides, spreadsheets, tables, and all shared material are part of the educational material. For non-attending students, it is important to stay up-to-date on the course through the Elly platform, the only communication tool used for direct teacher / student contact. On this platform, the topics discussed in the lesson will be pointed out and registered, providing the students with an index of the contents for the final exam.

Assessment methods and criteria

The contents of the first module of the course are verified with a written text, focusing on the topics presented in the classroom. The test is made up of both exercises about circuit solution and questions about theoretical elements explained during the course.

Other information

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