cod. 1005402

Academic year 2016/17
2° year of course - First semester
Francesco FREDDI
Academic discipline
Prova finale per settore senza discipline (PROFIN_S)
Per la prova finale
Type of training activity
Language/Final test
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding capabilities:
At the end of the course, the student will have a wide and critical view on the
methods and techniques for the knowledge of historical building monitoring.
At the end of the course the student will be able to identify all the monitoring
strategies for historical building.
Independent judgment:
The student will have to develop the capability of evaluating critically the monitoring
strategies for historical building, identifying the most suitable techniques for the
specific case, looking for an equilibrium between conservation, safety and
Communication skills:
During the course, the student will improve its correctness of speech, with specific reference to the technical terms of restoration, in order to communicate in
an effective and precise way a restoration design.
Learning ability:
The monitoring techniques of historical building change continuously. Therefore the
student must be able to select, once the problem has been identified, the most
suitable intervention, even evaluating options not specifically explained during the


It is helpful if students have attended the Restoration course, as the base
knowledge of restoration theories and of historical building elements are taken for
granted during the course.
It is also useful to have some knowledge of computer aided design (e.g. Autocad),
spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) and multimedia presentations (e.g. Powerpoint).

Course unit content

1. Structures
2. Building monitoring
3. Static monitoring
4. Dynamic monitoring
5. Infrastructure monitoring
6. Geothecnical monitoring

Full programme

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Course slides

Teaching methods

The course is composed of traditional lectures (taught class), also with Powerpoint
presentations, and reviews.
During the course, also some seminars with external lecturers will be held, to
inspect more deeply specific issues.
For the applied part, the students will be divided in groups (3 to 5 people). Each
group will develop a restoration and strengthening design on a real historical
building and will be followed by the teacher with periodic reviews. The reviews are
made in groups, on printed material prepared by the students.
At the middle of the course and at the end, the printed material must be handed
down to the teacher.
Moreover, during the course there will be two collective reviews, one at the end of
the knowledge path and one at the end of the course: in these occasions, each
group will present (with Powerpoint or similar) its own work progress to the teacher
and to the other students. These occasions are important both to exercise the
communication skills of the students and to exchange and compare experiences
among the different groups.

Assessment methods and criteria

During the course, the students will have to hand down their work twice to the
teacher, in order to check and possibly correct the design process: one at the end of
the knowledge phase and one at the end of the course.
Moreover, the two collective reviews, with public presentation of the designs, will
allow a first evaluation of the correctness of speech and of the communicative skills.
These intermediate checks, although are not directly linked to the final grades, are
in any case fundamental to demonstrate the profitable attendance to the course.
The single module has no autonomous judgment, but the learning assessment will
be made altogether in the final exam of the Laboratory.

Other information

As for all the laboratories, attending the courses is compulsory.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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