cod. 1006445

Academic year 2016/17
1° year of course - First semester
Simonetta Anna VALENTI
Academic discipline
Lingua e traduzione - lingua francese (L-LIN/04)
Lingue e letterature moderne
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: -
course unit
in - - -

Integrated course unit module: French

Learning objectives

The aims of the course concern above all the reinforcement and the specialization of the linguistic competences of the students, particularly referring to the main difficulties in the transfert from French to Italian.
Will be considered thus:
- the different linguistic registers: literary, current, familiar, argotic;
- the semantic nuances and the proverbs;
- rhetorical figures and their possible translations.
A particular attention will be given to the Italian translation of some literary works, above alla dramas, belonging to the XXth and XXIth centuries, to put in evidence the main points of the contemporay dramatic text.


The main pre-requisites of the course are the possession of the basical translative competences, as well as a good knowledge of French.

Course unit content

During the course, entirely taught in French, the following subjects will be treated:
- Introduction to the epistemological notion of Translation;
- Historical panorama of the main translation theories: interpretative theory; theory of action; theory of 'skopos';
theory of play;
polisystemic theory;
- Illustration of the main problems about translation, in relation to the notions of: sense, equivalence, fidelity, translation modes; typologies of translation (Goethe, Schleiermarcher, Jakobson, Meschonnic, Etkind), translation unities and 'universals';
- Choice and responsability of the translator;
- Elements of Pedagogy of translation.

Full programme

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• Wajdi Mouawad, Incendies, Leméac/Actes Sud, 2009;
• Henri MESCHONNIC, Poétique du traduire, Lagrasse, Verdier, 1999 ;
• A. HURTADO-ALBIR, La notion de fidélité en traduction, Paris, Didier, 1990 ;
• R. LAROSE, Théories contemporaines de la traduction, Québec, Presses Universitaires de l’Université du Québec, 1989 ;
• Jean-René Ladmiral, Sourciers et ciblistes. Les profondeurs de la traduction, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2015.

Teaching methods

- Front lesson;
- Audio and Video materials;
- Literary texts.

Assessment methods and criteria

The testing of the acquisition of the translative competences of the students is composed of two parts:
- a Written Test, propedeutic to the Oral Test. Students, that had not 18/30 ore more in the written test, cannot stand the Oral examination.
The Oral Text will focalize the acquisition and the reflexion about the most important translation theories, in a diachronic and in a synchronic perspective, as well as in a contrastive perspective.

Other information

Erasmus students are kindly requested to contact the Teacher, in order to determine the contents and the modes of the Examination.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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