Course unit partition: Cognomi A-L

Academic year 2016/17
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Tecnica delle costruzioni (ICAR/09)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
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course unit
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Course unit partition: DESIGN OF STRUCTURES 1

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student will learn the theoretical bases and the fundamental methodologies for the design and verification of the structural elements of a masonry building subjected to static and seismic actions and how to conceive structural details.
Applying knowledge and understanding
The student should acquire all those skills which are the basis of a conscious design and will be able in a systematic way to fit within the building process. In particular a good ability in the structural concepts of new civil buildings subject to static and seismic action should be obtained.
Making judgements:
The student will govern the procedure adopted in the current design practice, with a constant link between the theoretical knowledge and the practical applications.
Communication skills::
The confidence gained through a constant connection between theoretical knowledge and applications, will allow the student to possess the necessary skills for results presentation.
Learning skills:
The student will be able to design the structural elements of a masonry building.


The courses of Statics, Structural mechanics, and Structural Engineering are helpful.

Course unit content

The course aims to provide the fundamentals for the structural design under static and seismic loads of masonry buildings.
The contents of the course are listed below:
1. Mechanical characterization of masonry
2. Structural behavior of masonry structures;
3. Design of masonry walls under static loads: simplified dimensioning. Verification of unreinforced masonry walls subjected to mainly vertical loading. Masonry walls subjected to shear loading. Masonry walls subjected to lateral loading. Unreinforced masonry walls subjected to combined vertical and lateral loading. Method using  factor.
4. Preliminary concepts of civil engineering seismology and methods of measurement of seismic motion;
5. Basic representation of the seismic action, spectral response analysis and lateral force method of analysis;
6. Ductility, criteria for structural regularity and behaviour factors;
7. Combination of the seismic action with other actions, limit state verifications;
8. Design and detailing of masonry buildings: theory and applications;
9. Rules for “simple masonry buildings”;
10. Redistribution of action effects between masonry seismic walls as a function of the diaphragm behaviour; in-plane and out of-plane failure mechanisms in masonry buildings: theory and applications.

Full programme

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GHERSI, A. e LENZA P., Edifici antisismici in cemento armato, DARIO FLACCOVIO EDITORE, 2010.
GHERSI, A., LENZA P. e CALDERONI, B., Edifici in muratura alla luce della nuova normativa sismica, DARIO FLACCOVIO EDITORE, 2011.
- Iacobelli F., "Progetto e verifica delle costruzioni in muratura in zona sismica", EPC libri.
- Carbone I.V., Fiore A., Pistone G., "Le costruzioni in muratura", Hoepli.

All the teaching material is available via the portal

Teaching methods

The course is composed of traditional frontal lectures, also with Powerpoint presentations.
Theoretical concepts are applied during the course by carrying out the step-by-step design of a masonry building.

Assessment methods and criteria

The written examination consists in the calculation reports and an oral discussion with the teacher.
The level of student learning can be measured as follows:
10% Determination of mechanical properties of masonry and design strengths;
10% conceptual design;
10 % analysis of actions;
20% masonry walls static verifications;
20% linear static analysis;
10 % distribution of seismic action between masonry walls;
20% seismic verification of masonry walls;

Other information

As for all the laboratories, attending the courses is required.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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