Course unit partition: Cognomi A-L

Academic year 2016/17
1° year of course - First semester
Andrea ZERBI
Academic discipline
Disegno (ICAR/17)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
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course unit

Course unit partition: DIGITAL DRAWING

Learning objectives

The course aims to give students the mastery of the software tool, both as a tool for the study of the reality, both as an automatic application of the representation.
At the end of the course the student will be familiar with the basic concepts of two-dimensional automatic drawing, of geometric modeling of architectural forms and of the methods most appropriate to format their papers.
At the end of the course the student will be able to practically apply the knowledge gained and to independently provide drawings in the specific context of architecture design and urban design.
Independence of judgment
Due to the lessons learned, at the end of the course the students will be able to identify for themselves the methods and the techniques of representation most appropriate for the communication of their work.
Communication skills
Since the digital representation is one of the leading forms of language for the communication of architecture, passing the exam, the students must necessarily have acquired the ability to communicate their ideas and projects through the use of raster and vector software.


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Course unit content

In the context of the Laboratory of Representation is essential to connect the design, as the tradition of architecture has transmitted to us, and the new tools that the technology continuously makes available.
The course aims to give students a clear and definitive understanding of the characteristics of digital drawing, be it represented by raster graphics or vector graphics.
The course is divided into three main parts and is modulated in cycles of theoretical and practical lessons with the following topics:
First part (the CAD):
- Introduction to vector graphics;
- The CAD (computer aided design);
- Space and visualization in CAD software;
- The setting of the workspace;
- Main drawing tools;
- Main edit tools;
- Other tools necessary for completion of CAD drawings;
- Introduction to 3D tools.
Second part (raster graphics):
- Introduction to raster graphics;
- Space and visualization in raster software;
- The setting of the workspace;
- Main drawing tools;
- Main edit tools;
- Other tools necessary for completion of raster images.
Third part:
- Integration between different software.
The practical exercises, all individuals, will focus on the same topics of lectures and will be carried out through the execution of CAD drawings that will be printed.

Full programme

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R. Migliari, Geometria dei modelli. Rappresentazione grafica e informatica per l’architettura e per il design, Edizioni Kappa, 2003.
R. Migliari, Fondamenti della rappresentazione geometrica e informatica dell’architettura, Edizioni Kappa, 2000.

Teaching methods

The course will be divided into a series of lectures held in special workspaces with computers. To allow a continuous and progressive learning of the systems of digital representation, parallel to the conduct of theoretical lessons, numerous individual practical lessons will be assigned. These consist in the development of digital graphic drawings, always corrected, whose topics will follow those of theoretical lessons themselves.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of learning will be carried out continuously during the course, through the evaluation and control of all the material produced by the student.
The verification will be so modulated:
Punctuality in the conduct of the individual practical exercises assigned: 5%;
Use of graphic software in the transition from the representation of the object to the virtual modeling of the object itself (knowledge): 35%;
Application of tools more suitable for the realization of digital drawings (skills): 25%;
Autonomous choice of the most appropriate software for the implementation of their drawings, depending on the achievement of the desired result (independence of judgment): 35%.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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