cod. 1004945

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - Second semester
Maria Teresa BERGHENTI
Academic discipline
Scienze tecniche mediche applicate (MED/50)
Scienze della logopedia
Type of training activity
7 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: LOGOPEDICS II

Learning objectives

The course the speech therapy in DSL is part of the integrated course of speech therapy II.
The aim of the course is to enable the student to learn and understand the main professional acts that the speech pathologist must perform in front of patients with certain types of DSL in developmental age; To acquire the basics of logopedica evaluation and rehabilitation of these DSL. The course also aims to make the student able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in order to orientate themselves during the practical training carried out with children with DSL and during the workshops.


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Course unit content

The first lessons concern the main theories and development of the articulatory motor control and the acquisition of grammar in the evolutionary age (typical and atypical development).
Some of the main language disorders of the developmental age of the speech pathologist are treated: verbal and oral dispraxis, dysarthria and Morfosintassi disorder. For each of the disorders mentioned are described clinical datas, etiopathogenesis, clinical classifications, elements for differential diagnosis and comorbidity. At a later time, the main Logopedica evaluation tools and the Logopaedic rehabilitation process are described for the disorders mentioned above. The lessons are concluded with the description of the guidelines of the Logopedica rehabilitation of the main specific disorders of language in the evolutionary age.

Full programme

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Collana di libri edita in collaborazione con la Federazione Logopedisti Italiani diretta da L. Marotta
1)"I Disturbi del linguaggio". Ed. Erickson
2)E. Mariani, L. Marotta, M. Pieretti (a cura di) "Presa in carico ed Intervento nei disturbi dello sviluppo" Ed. EricKson
3) L. Sabbadini " "La disprassia in età evolutiva. Criteri di valutazione ed intervento" Ed. Springler
4) L. Sabbadini " Disturbi specifici del linguaggio, disprassie e funzioni esecutive. Con una raccolta di casi clinici ed esempi di terapia." Ed. Springler
5)"Percorsi di Riabilitazione. Funzioni secutive nei Disturbi di Linguaggio". Ed. Erickson

Teaching methods

The frontal lessons include the presentation in video projection of the contents of the course. During the lessons on the evaluative and especially rehabilitation aspects there are active participation of students in order to allow the acquisition of basic concepts through problem solving procedures.
The final minutes of the lessons are reserved for students ' clarification questions

Assessment methods and criteria

The verification of learning and acquired knowledge provides for a written examination. Through written questions will occur if the student has reached the goals of knowledge and understanding of the contents of the course. The student must be able to show that they know the clinical features that characterize the main DSL treated in the course (Dispraxis, dysarthria and Agrammatismo) The main evaluative tools and guidelines of Logopedica rehabilitation. It will also have to be able to draw up a therapy project aimed at the difficulties identified through the clinical evaluation.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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