cod. 22176

Academic year 2016/17
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Fisiologia (BIO/09)
Discipline del settore biomedico
Type of training activity
47 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

- To provide an understanding of human neural control of behavioral, autonomic and emotional responses to sensory stimuli.

- To provide theoretical and technical competence for (i) evaluating the nervous system modulatory action on the different functions characterizing a complex living organism, and (ii) analyzing the mechanisms underlying the alterations in the nervous system control.

- Acquiring the capacity of describing the different and integrated functions of the nervous system with an appropriate terminology.


General Physiology, Histology and Human Anatomy

Course unit content

- Organization of the human nervous system.
- Sensory systems
- motor system (spinal and central control of the movement)
- autonomic nervous system and its central control
- cerebral cortex (structure and function)

Full programme

1. Introduction to the nervous system organization

2. Neuron action potential: origin, propagation and synaptic transmission

3. Sensory systems: sensory receptors, transduction mechanisms, generator potentials and frequency coding in the CNS. Major afferent pathways; subcortical and cortical regions, and information processing.

- somatosensory system
- special sensory systems (hearing, vision, taste, olfaction)

4. Motor system and organization of motor function (spinal and central control of the movement)

5. Autonomic Nervous System and its central control


Basic textbooks:

1.Robert M. Berne e Matthew N. Levy: FISIOLOGIA - Casa Editrice
Ambrosiana - (2010 or last edition)

2. Dee Unglaub Silverthorn:Fisiologia umana. Un approccio integrato. Pearson Italia S.p.A. (2011 or last edition)

Teaching methods

Lectures: Lessons on the basic functional properties of the human nervous system.

One CFU will be used to provide methodological knowledge for measuring the functional efficiency of the central and peripheral nervous system.

Lecture contents will be available in the website of the course together with self-evaluation tests (PDF files).

Assessment methods and criteria

Written and oral discussion.

The written examination consists of one question requiring a detailed description
and two multiple-choice tests. Reaching the sufficiency in the first question is mandatory for the admission to the oral examination.

Criteria for evaluation of the written and oral examination:
a) very good knowledge and understanding associated with an
appropriate terminology. Very good capacity of applying the knowledge
(30-30 lode)
b) good knowledge and understanding associated with an appropriate
terminology and good capacity of applying the knowledge ()27-29).
c) modest knowledge and understanding, appropriate terminology.
Modest capacity of applying the knowledge (24-26).
d) sufficient knowledge and understanding, correct terminology
e) sufficient knowledge and understanding, poor terminology (18-20).

Other information

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