Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and tools of calculus and statistics.
Ability to use such tools to study graphs of functions and solve problems related with the study of functions.
Ability to apply such tools to the study of experiments (to create models and/or provide the correct interpretations of the data).
Course unit content
Sets of numbers: definitions and properties.
Functions: definitions and main properties.
Limits and continuity: definitions, theorems on continuous functions.
Differential calculus: definitions, theorems and applications, drawing the graph of functions defined on the real numbers.
Integral calculus: definitions, theorems and applications.
Statistics: basic definitione.
Full programme
Naturals, integers, rationals and reals: : definition, operations and their properties, powers with rational exponent. Intervals and neighbourhoods in the real line. Equations, inequalities and absolute value.
Funtions: definition, domain, codomain and image. Injectivity, surjectivity, bijectivity. Inverse of a bijective function. Composition of functions: definition and properties, properties and unicity of the inverse function. Graph of a function. Algebraic (polynomial) functions): linear, quadratic, monomial functions, data interpolation, even and odd functions. Monotonic funstions: (not) increasing, (not) decreasing, inveritibility of a monotonic function. Supremum, infimum, maximum and minimum of a subset of R, bounded functions, (local and global) maxima and minima of a real function.
Limits and continuity: definition, right and left limit, properties and limit calculus, indeterminated forms. Continuity of a real function: definition, continuity of polynomial and rational functions, vertical and horizontal asimptotes. Theorems on limits and continuity: continuity of composition, Weierstrass, existence of zeroes, permanence of sign, mid-value theorem, invertibility of continue functions, continuity of inverse function.
Trascendental functions: exponential, logaritmic and trigonometric functions: definition, properties (injectivity, surjectivity, continuity, invertibility), data interpolation.
Differential calculus: derivative of a function, right and left derivative, derivability and continuity, derivatives of algebraic and trascendental functions. Derivative calculus: derivative for sum, product, composition and quotient and for the inverse function. Theorems of Fermat, Rolle, Cauchy and Lagrange. Applications: rule of de l'Hopital and limit calculus, Taylor development, qualitative study of the graph of a function, monotonicity, maxima and minima.
Antiderivative calculus: definition, properties, additivity and linearity. Antiderivatives formulas for algebraic and trascendental functions. Fundamental theorems of calculus, mean value theorem. Integration methods: by parts and by substitution.
Statistics: mean, variance, distributions., regression line, Pearson coefficient.
Abate M. "Matematica e statistica - Le basi per le scienze della vita" Mc Graw Hill Ed.
Villani V. "Matematica per discipline biomediche" Mc Graw Hill Ed.
Marcellini P. - Sbordone C. "Elementi di calcolo. Versione semplificata per i nuovi corsi di laurea" Liguori Ed.
Marcellini P. - Sbordone C. "Esercizi di matematica - Volume I" Liguori Ed.
Teaching methods
During the lectures we shall describe the basic objects and tools of calculus and statistics,
together with numerous examples and exercise to improve the understanding and to show how to apply them to the resolution of numerical exercises. There will be weekly exercise sessions to recall some basic notions and to provide more examples and exercises.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exam to check the ability to apply the basic toos of calculus to the solution of concrete numerical exercises.
Oral exam to verify the knowledge and understanding of the basic definitions and theorems of calculus.