cod. 1005762

Academic year 2016/17
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Fisica tecnica ambientale (ING-IND/11)
"discipline fisico-tecniche ed impiantistiche per l'architettura"
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
At the conclusion of the teaching program, the student will have acquired knowledge on the design of buildings capable of reducing energy consumption, and of ensuring adequate comfort to occupants with regard to hygrothermal, acoustic and lighting conditions.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
The student will be able to identify and dimension design solutions that can achieve the above purposes, both regarding the building envelope and the technological equipment.
Making judgements:
At the conclusion of the learning process the student will acquire tools to comparatively evaluate the validity of the standard solutions proposed by industry both with reference to the constituent components of the building envelope and to technological system solutions.
Communication skills:
The "workshop" assessment procedure scheduled for the course will determine the need for students to develop appropriate skills to work in teams and also to master intercommunication collaborative tools.
Learning skills.
The students will learn the technical language and the formalism required for further deepening their knowledge on advanced textbooks and speciality literature.


For following this course it is mandatory to have acquired the basic notions on Technical Physics planned inside the three years “Architectural Sciences” degree.

Metodi didattici The "theory" of the lessons is administered by computer tools, avoiding traditional "lectures" in the classroom. The teacher posts on the website a variety of media (slides, handouts, videos of lectures), indicating to the students to which of them they should access before each "lesson" in the classroom.
During these lessons, the classroom activities will be of "workshop" type, with problem solving and execution of project sizing, partly carried out by the teacher as an "example", and then replicated by the students.
This type of activity also includes systematic verification of the progress gradually achieved, resulting in building an individual assessment profile for each student, and therefore with the possibility of establishing aids and supports for those who are falling behind.

Course unit content

The course aims to provide students with the necessary applicative elements of Technical Physics related to environmental issues, in all its meanings. The concepts learned in the previous Technical Physics course are applied to the solution of problems related to acoustic comfort and environmental impact. This affects the activity of architects responsible for the design of residential or office buildings, as well as theatres, railways stations and airports, school buildings, hospitals, churches, etc..
In particular, the course analyzes the problems related to the building envelope (thermal and acoustic insulation, lighting in daylight) and facilities aimed at integrating these functions (heating system, cooling system, sound system, artificial lighting system).
The course has an applicative cut, with systematic exercises on problems and examples, even in numerical form, or with the aid of graphics, tables, nomograms. Some in class tests are planned. Working students can apply for an alternative evaluation procedure, based on on-line tests.

Full programme

Recalls on energy balances and heat exchange
Heat flow through a multilayer wall
Vapour transport through a multilayer wall (Glaser)
Air temperature and radiant temperature indoor
Calling on the indoor hygrothermal comfort
Estimated energy requirements for heating and cooling
Energy Certification of buildings
Fundamentals of applied acoustics and human perception of sound
Basic quantities of building acoustics
The passive acoustic requirements of buildings, laws and technical standards
The Acoustical Certification of buildings
Basic quantities of lighting
Principles of visual comfort in natural light
Design of building envelopes meeting the thermal, acoustic and lighting requirements
Brief overview of the heating and air conditioning systems and volumes they need to be allocated in architectural design.
The problem of noise produced by equipment and devices.
Sound systems, their interaction with the architectural design of the rooms.
Equipment for artificial lighting, to be installed indoors and outdoors.
Light pollution, road and outdoor lighting with small impact on starred sky.


Recommended textbooks:
Y. Cengel - Termodinamica E Trasmissione Del Calore 4° Ed.
P. Ricciardi - Elementi Di Acustica E Illuminotecnica
McGraw Hill Editore
ISBN dei due volumi legati 978883866860-9.
However, for most students, the support material made available on the Internet by the teacher should be fully enough (Powerpoint slides, handouts, short videos)

Teaching methods

During lessons, theoretical explanations and pratical applications are mixed. These include practical experiences employing measuring instruments of the various physical quantities.
It is not mandatory to come to lessons, but who does not follow them systematically has little chances to be exempted by the written exam thanks to the in-class tests.

Assessment methods and criteria

The evaluation consists of two distinct phases:
1) the construction of a personalized learning profile, based on classroom activity in and/or through informatic procedures at home (for working students), possibly replaced by a written exam for students who do not reach a sufficient score with in-class activity.
2) At the time of formalization of the examination, the student is required to make the presentation of a single topic of the course, taken among those listed in the program, during which it is appreciated the student's ability to search from literature other than the one recommended, and to carry out an analysis, even critical, of what the teacher explained.

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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