Course unit partition: Cognomi A-L

Academic year 2016/17
2° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Composizione architettonica e urbana (ICAR/14)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: -
course unit

Learning objectives

The training objectives of the course coincide with those of the Design Workshop II, which as a matter of the course the architectural design becomes the place where the synthesis of the theoretical and / or applied knowledge of the student is assessed. Refer to the Laboratory Syllabus for explaining training goals.


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Course unit content

The Analysis of Urban Morphology and Typological Features of Buildings is the integrated course of Architectural Design Workshop II. Refer to the Syllabus of the Workshop for Content Explained.

Full programme

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C. Martì Aris, Le variazioni dell'identità. Il Tipo in architettura, Clup, Milano 1987;AA.VV. Aspetti e problemi della tipologia edilizia. La formazione del concetto di tipologia edilizia. Rapporti tra la morfologia urbana e la tipologia edilizia, Venezia, Cluva, 1964,1965,1966.

Teaching methods

The didactic activities will be carried out by focusing on active learning methods alternating with lessons, case studies and in-depth seminars. During the study of cases (in general authors and / or contemporary architectural projects) the student will be privileged to focus on the basic themes of architectural design, also to present any previous knowledge on the subjects in question by the students.

Assessment methods and criteria

There is no specific and independent verification of the content of the Architectural Composition II course content. It involves checking the learning through the evaluation of the design of the Architectural Design Workshop II: it is intended as a synthesis of the knowledge and the ability of the student to apply them. Any other exercises and / or examinations (Ex-Tempore / case study / research) will be evaluated during the year.
The final oral exam consists of an individual interview through which the knowledge and the critical understanding of the constructed architecture (1st Dublin descriptor) will be verified in relation to the project. The interview will also test the communicative and learning / reasoning skills, the clarity of the exhibition and the use of the specific terminology of the discipline (4th, 5th descriptor of Dublin). The ability to apply knowledge will be verified through project work.
During the final test, in the case of group design / exercise, each group member must master all the exercise in its entirety as well as explicit the parts he personally cared for.

Other information

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