cod. 1005799

Academic year 2015/16
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Fisica tecnica industriale (ING-IND/10)
"discipline fisico-tecniche ed impiantistiche per l'architettura"
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

To introduce the students to the basic concepts of thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid flow applied to building energy analysis in terms of building/ thermotechnical plants and building/environment interactions.


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Course unit content

Units of measurement.
Basic elements of classical physics: kinematics and dynamics.
Closed and open systems.
Mixtures of air and water vapor.
Fluid dynamics.
Heat transfer.

Full programme

Definitions: systems and properties. Units (SI). Closed and opensystems. Forms of energy. First Law. Second law. Entropy. Irreversibility. Closed systems: conservation of mass, conservation of energy. Open
systems: definitions, conservation of mass, conservation of energy, steady and transient processes. Properties of pure substances, equilibrium diagrams (p,v) (p,T). Incompressible substances and their
properties. Vapours: quality and other properties. Ideal gas. Vapor power cycles: Rankine cycle, ideal cycle, reheat. Refrigeration vapour cycle. Coefficient of performance. Thermodynamic efficiency. Simple
multicomponents systems. Ideal gases mixtures.

Mixtures of air and water vapour.
Thermodinamic properties of humid air: specific and absolute humidity, specific entalphy. Psicrometric chart. Dew point temperature. Dry and wet bulb temperature. Psicrometer.

Fluid flow.
Physical aspect of the fluid flow. Coefficient of viscosity. Laminar and turbulent flow. Boundary layer. Reynolds number. Fluid flow in pipes. Integral equations Energy bilance equation. Bernoulli equation. Friction losses. Velocity and mass flow rate measurements in fluids. Compressible
fluids. Mach number.

Heat transfer.
Conduction. Fourier law. Steady state conduction. Electrical analogy. Convection. Dimensional analysis. Thermal boundary layer. Forced, natural and mixed convection. Thermal radiation. Definitions. Laws of
thermal radiation: Plack's law, Stefan-Boltzmann law. View factor. Applications to thermal radiation heat transfer between black and grey surfaces. Overall heat transfer coefficient.


CENGEL YUNUS A., Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Ed Mc Graw Hill

Teaching methods

The course is divided into lectures and tutorials, which are an opportunity to assess and clarify the theoretical knowledge acquired.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written and oral examination.

Other information

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