Learning objectives
Critical knowledge of the different styles, poetics, tendences of contemporary theatre and dance
Course unit content
First part: history of italian theatre during the second half of XXth C.
Second part: contemporary theatre and dance in Europe; education to theatrical spectatorship
First part: Dispense sul teatro italiano dagli anni Cinquanta ad oggi (on sell at libreria Universitas, vicolo Grossardi 3/b)
Five comedies:
• Eduardo De Filippo, Napoli milionaria
• Dario Fo, Morte accidentale di un anarchico
• Dacia Maraini, Dialogo di una prostituta con un suo cliente e altre commedie (Bur, Rizzoli, 2012)
• Samuel Beckett, Aspettando Godot
• Bertolt Brecht, L’anima buona del Sezuan
Dispense B sulla danza contemporanea (on sell at libreria Universitas)
.Wim Wenders, Pina, 2012 (documovie)
Teaching methods
Frontal teaching and cooperative analysis of plays and playwrighting.
The course will also be offered in a blended way on the distance learning platform called Elly.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination and a written work (a diary of observation of a play)