cod. 1004931

Academic year 2014/15
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze tecniche mediche applicate (MED/50)
Scienze della logopedia
Type of training activity
7 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
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course unit
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Integrated course unit module: PROPAEDEUTIC SCIENCES II

Learning objectives

The course "The Budget speech therapy" is part of the Integrated Course of SCIENCES PRELIMINARY II and aims to enable the student to learn and understand proper procedures for conducting a Budget speech therapy in early childhood.
The course also aims to enable the student to use the knowledge and understanding gained, in order to be autonomous.


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Course unit content

The first part of the lesson focuses on the general principles that guide the assessment of comprehension and language production compared to the main components (vocabulary, morphosyntax phonology) and the different evolutionary phases with a focus on direct and indirect instruments and methods of transcription of speech . Then it focuses on how to investigate the prevailing understanding of language from early childhood. Indications of the literature and presentation of assessment tools through watching video clips are used to request the analysis of the critical present or in the test or in the mode of administration. Below are presented the tools to investigate language production always starting from early childhood. A particular attention is devoted to the presentation of the "Protocol for the Evaluation of Language stage debut in" * in the computerized version . Are explained to the students the different parameters used in the assessment (I C- LME - syllabic structure of the word and Related Indices etc) from the particulars of the literature up to the adaptation to the Italian language Students have the opportunity to deepen the knowledge on each tool testistico referring to the respective manuals of administration, an activity which is undertaken during the internship allowing integration with the knowledge gained during the lectures.

Full programme

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C.Caselli, O. Capirci
Indici di rischio nei Disturbi di linguaggio. Ed. Franco Angeli
S.Bonifacio, L. Hevastja Stefani
L’intervento precoce nei ritardi di linguaggio ed franco angeli
Gherardi P.,Zanotti S., Bertelli B., Bilancia G.
Indicatori precoci dello sviluppo del linguaggio in soggetti late talkers Psichiatria dell’infanzia e dell’Adolescenza –2007

Teaching methods

The oral lectures are supported by the projection of the contents and are complemented by the reporting of library materials and sitografico. At the end of the lesson is given space to any discussion.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of learning and knowledge takes place during the appeals provided for by the teaching calendar, by oral, in the presence of the Committee of Professors of Integrated Course SCIENCES PRELIMINARY II.
The student must be able to demonstrate the knowledge provided by the educational objectives of the course.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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