cod. 1004462

Academic year 2017/18
4° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali
Type of training activity
For internships and traineeships
0 hours
of face-to-face activities
15 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

The internship, in conjunction with the training course in Pharmacy, contributes to the achievement of the learning outcomes of the pharmacist's professional practice according to the Dublin Indicators. Specifically, it pursues the following objectives:
1. Knowledge and understanding: to possess knowledge about proper professional practice in its various declinations.
2. Applied knowledge and understanding: to know how to articulate disciplinary content and professional duties based on the needs of patients in the management of drug dispensing procedures.
3. Making judgements: to think critically about actions and determinations and to compare own opinion to the criticism of colleagues.
4. Communication skills: to have meaningful relational skills with patients (counseling) and the medical class.
5. Learning Skills: to enhance cross-cultural knowledge in the daily practice of the profession and in the framework of organized professional training


To be admitted to the internship, the student must have acquired al least 150 CFU, passing the examinations of  Pharmaceutical Technology/ Laboratory of Galenic Preparations, Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy and obtained the certificate of attendance of the Pharmaceutical Legislation and Role of Pharmacy in health welfare.

Course unit content

The internship of professional practice is a period of professional training activity that takes place in a pharmacy open to the public or in a hospital that has adhered to the relevant convention, with the assistance and supervision of a pharmacist enrolled in the professional register and the presence of an academic tutor.
The internship of professional practice is intended to complete university education, integrating it with the most directly professional and current part of Pharmacy activity.
Professional practice training is a curricular training activity and implies the acquisition of credits (30 CFUs).
The internship for professional practice is indispensable for the purpose of attending a Qualifying Status Exam for the Pharmacist profession

Full programme

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Teaching methods

Training in Pharmacy

Assessment methods and criteria

The student prior to starting the internship is required to withdraw from the Career Management Service of the Degree Course of Pharmacy the frequency book, which must be filled out daily with the description of the activity carried out and signed. The booklet must be countersigned daily by the Pharmacy Professional Tutor. Upon completion of the internship period, the professional tutor reports on the booklet the overall assessment of the student's activity. The student must also collect two questionnaires on the internship: one to be filled in and returned to the student secretary at the end of internship, the other one to be delivered to the pharmacist tutor for compilation.

Other information

For the CEE validity of the title, the internship of the Course in Pharmacy is coordinated under the EU Directive (Directive 85/432) so that a practical professional training should be performed as a full-time activity, for a period of at least six months (15 CFU from the fourth year and 15 credits from the fifth year), at a local pharmacy or hospital pharmacy . In accordance to statements of Ministry of Education (prot. No. 570 of 11/03/2011), a CFU is quantified in 30 hours of training activities
A part of the internship, corresponding to the maximum of 15 credits, can be carried out abroad, as part of exchange programs with other Universities (Socrates / Erasmus program).