Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding capabilities:
At the end of the studio, the student will be able to apply, in a critical way, the different technological solutions useful to improve the energetic performances of existing buildings.
The student will be able to analyse and critically assess any kind of intervention, planned to improve the buildings’ energy performances, and to design some simple solutions to reduce energy consumption, in the respect of the main values of the existing building.
Adopting preliminary analysis and project evaluations, the student will develop critical skills in retrofit and technological design, finalized to energy saving for indoor climate and for materials production.
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Course unit content
The module is organized in some short theoretical lectures propaedeutic to the study cases, carried out under the supervision of a tutor.
The lectures will focus on the building materials and technological strategies able to improve the energy control consumption of a few typological category of the existing building heritage.
Full programme
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Rava P., Tecniche costruttive per l’efficienza energetica e la sostenibilità, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli Editore, 2008
Teaching methods
The module is articulated in short lectures and design workshops.
Assessment methods and criteria
At the end of the studio, an oral examination focused on the study case examined, will allow to assess the preparation of every single student.
Other information
As for all the laboratories, attending the courses is compulsory