cod. 1003462

Academic year 2014/15
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Agnese GHINI
integrated course unit
12 credits
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The first learning goal (I Dublin descriptor – acquiring knowledge and understanding) aims at understanding thoroughly the role of the technological apparatus involved in the architectural ideation phase – focusing on defining voluntary or mandatory performance targets, as requested in each building types.
The second learning goal (II Dublin descriptor– applying knowledge and understanding) aims at focusing the attention on the building system, made of: technological, environmental, functional and spatial components, to supply the basics knowledge to get to an integrated design in which every single component is fully integrated to one another, with the same regards.
The final target is to provide the students a technological awareness, focused on environmental issues that inform the entire design phase, with regards to energy and materials, in the construction and in the management steps-
Furthermore, the class points at assuring to each student a basic level of independence in designing as well as in project mindfulness, in order to be able to make the most suitable technological choices and to assure an appropriate drawing capacity to communicate the architectural morphological and functional features (III Dublin descriptor – making informed judgments and choices).
By involving solo students and working group teams in workshops and conferences with some non-academic guests and practitioners, during the regular period lectures, it will be easy to foster learning capacities about the technology of architecture.


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Course unit content

The activity that will be carried out within the Laboratory is based on two teaching levels: the first one, a basic level, that introduces the essential elements in building technology will help to develop both the architectural and the environmental project; the second level, a more detailed one, will be focused on sustainability issues.
The first academic path aims at developing the basic knowledge of construction elements and building systems that regulate the technological apparatus of the building, the second paths aims at nurturing the development of a "technological awareness", in order to address the environmental problems that inform the design phase. Both of them will merge into the yearly study case.
The yearly study case will encompass the overall design of a residential building with a high level of environmental and energetic quality.
The main activities will be carried out during class-time along with several reviews by the professors.
The final project should include a proper volumetric design, a site plan, all the necessary drawings of plans, elevation and cross sections, as well as technological details.
During the standard period, some extempore tests will be held with attentions to specific architectural issues.

Full programme

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Refer to the list linked to each modules.
The corpus of lessons is published in

Teaching methods

The regular class will be made of:
Learning tests
Review activities regarding the case study
Extempore tests;
Seminars and round-tables to test the design’s steps
Workshops and conferences with non-academic partners, practitioners and entrepreneurs.

Assessment methods and criteria

The class concludes with the final exam during which, each working team or solo students will present their final works according to some specific instructions. Everyone will be asked with some questions about the course program in order to assess a proper learning levels in technology of architecture, by applying the basic contents, explained during the period.
The final mark will encompass both the “in itinere” tests and overall compliance of the project to the early design requests.
More in depth, the final mark will be made of these judgment’s areas:
Preliminary assessments and site analysis (15%)
Architectural quality (25%)
Overall compliance and fairness of the technological systems (45%)
Drawing and 3d model quality (15%)
A 5% bonus for the extempore verifications.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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