Course unit partition: PARMA

Academic year 2007/08
3° year of course -
Academic discipline
Chirurgia generale (MED/18)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Course unit partition: ACCIDENT SURGERY

Learning objectives

the course has been designed to provide students with knowledge of the main acute pathological conditions (also of traumatic origin) of surgical interest and requiring a diagnostic-therapeutic approach in emergency and/or urgent conditions 


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Course unit content

<br />Syllabus:<br />Topics of general emergency surgery (acute abdomen; intestinal occlusion; intestinal hemorrhage; abdomen traumas);<br />Topics of thoracic emergency surgery (thoracic traumas; pneumothorax; drainage);<br />topics of vascular emergency surgery (broken aneurysms of the abdominal aorta; peripheral acute ischemias; vascular traumas; deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism

Full programme

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Please refer to texts recommended by the professors officially assigned to the specific courses of general surgery, thoracic surgery and vascular surgery within the integrated course of Specialist Surgery

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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