cod. 00687

Academic year 2007/08
3° year of course - Second semester
Edzeario PRATI
Academic discipline
Meccanica applicata alle macchine (ING-IND/13)
Ingegneria meccanica
Type of training activity
81 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

<br />Objectives<br />On the basis of a deep knowledge of kinematics, statics and dynamics of mechanical system, the course provides the practical and theorical knowledge required for a proper functional design of machines and their devices


<br />Prerequisites<br />Mechanical Drawing, Rational Mechanics, Fundamentals of Structural Mechanical Design.<br />

Course unit content

<br />Program<br />Mechanisms assembly<br />Forces acting on mechanisms<br />Efficiency<br />Fundamental concepts of tribology: friction, wearing, lubrication <br />Joints, brakes, clutches<br />Concepts of rigid body kinematics and applications to mechanisms<br />Articulated systems<br />Cam-follower devices<br />Analysis and synthesis of mechanisms<br />Motion transmission between shafts<br />Belt and chain transmissions<br />Gears<br />Fundamentals of dynamics.<br />Mechanism dynamics.<br />Vibrations of one degree-of-freedom systems.<br />Introduction to the experimental investigation.<br />Rotor dynamics.<br />Fundamental concepts of angular velocity control.<br /><br /><br /><br />Laboratory activities<br />Exercises with applied examples of topics which are discussed at the lessons.

Full programme

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<br />Suggested textbook<br />E.FUNAIOLI, A.MAGGIORE, U.MENEGHETTI: “Lezioni di Meccanica Applicata alle Macchine”, Voll.1-2, Patron Editore, Bologna. <br />For the activities: notes written by the teacher.<br />Other books will be suggested during the lessons.<br />

Teaching methods

<br />Examination methods<br />The exam consists in an oral examination about topics teached during the lessons.<br />

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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