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Apply for Genomic, molecular and industrial biotechnologies

Second cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in Italian
class LM-8
enroll now WEB SITE

Course presentation - video

Why in Parma?

The second-cycle degree course in Genomic, Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology is part of the Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, which was selected by the MUR for the second time as a 'Department of Excellence'. The Department receives extraordinary funding for research in innovative sectors including the new frontiers of biotechnology.

The course in Genomic, Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology will captivate students due to the high 'transversality' of the curriculum, which is equally divided between biomolecular, genomic and chemical sciences and technologies. A course which maximises the fields of employment of graduates, from genomics-based diagnostics, to molecular medicine, to 'green chemistry' and alternative biomass sources.

Highlights include:

  • the high scientific qualification and extensive network of international contacts and collaborations of the course lecturers;
  • the strong focus on in-course guidance, especially in identifying highly qualified internship placements in public and private research organisations, companies and foreign research centres;
  • the opportunity for advanced post-graduate training provided by the Doctorate in Biotechnology and Biosciences, available within the same Department.

What you will learn

  • Bioinformatica e chemogenomica# - 6 CFU
  • Fondamenti di chimica farmaceutica - 6 CFU
  • Genomica applicata - 6 CFU
  • Genomica ed epigenomica biocomputazionale (corso a scelta)# - 6 CFU
  • Tirocinio (STA-STE-STI) - 6 CFU
  • Attività di ricerca in preparazione della prova finale - 25 CFU
  • Prova finale - 2 CFU

* Insegnamenti che prevedono un’attività di laboratorio.
# Insegnamenti che prevedono esercitazioni in aula informatica.

Access type

Open access (entry requirements to be verified).

Are you a future non EU student? Click here to find out how to enrol.



After graduation

The course is among the first of its kind nationwide in terms of employment rates five years after graduation.

The main employment opportunities are with companies and public research organisations operating in the bio-pharmaceutical, agro-food biotechnology, molecular diagnostics and environmental monitoring sectors.

Other occupational prospects are PhD student and Postdoc positions at prestigious national and international research centres. 

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We are waiting for you at Second cycle degree course Genomic, molecular and industrial biotechnologies