Quality Control and Quality Management System in Testing Labs

Postgraduate type
Advanced courses
Academic year
In summary
Opening of applications
Closing of applications
Department of chemistry, life sciences and environmental sustainability
Application calls and forms
ECTS credits
€ 1.816,00
Access requirements

a) laurea di primo o di secondo livello (di cui al D.M. n. 509/99 e al D.M. n. 270/04) classi: L02, L07; L08, L09, L13, L26, L27, L30, L31, L32, L34, L35, L38, LM06, LM08, LM11, LM13, LM17, LM23, LM29, LM31, LM33, LM35, LM40, LM42, LM49, LM54, LM71, LM74, LM75, LM SNT4 
b) university degree of at least three years' duration according to the pre-reform regulations D.M. n. 509/99 and of disciplinary field equivalent to/and above indicated/e class/i (as per the ministerial table in the Ministerial Decree of 11 November 2011 http://www.confsaluniversita.it/files/decretiattuativilegge240_new/decr…); 
c) degree obtained according to the pre-reform regulations D.M. No. 509/99 equivalent to/and indicated above/and class/i (as per the ministerial table in D.I. 9 July 2009: http:///attiministeriali.miur.it/anno2009/luglio/di-072009.aspx); 
d) qualification issued abroad, recognized as suitable according to the regulations in force by the Executive Committee for the sole purpose of registration for the course. 
e) further qualifications may be evaluated by the Executive Committee on the basis of scientific and cultural affinity with the subjects proposed in the course, also taking into account the CVs submitted by the candidates.


Contact for educational information

Prof.ssa Federica Bianchi federica.bianchi@unipr.it

Beginning of teaching activities
January 2025
Methods of implementation
The didactic activities of the Course will be delivered remotely through the TEAMS platform.
Admission procedure

chronological order

Minimum number of enrollments
Maximum number of enrollments
Professional profile

The course is aimed at training staff with specific competences, both methodological and technical-procedural, related to the organization and management of a test laboratory in accordance with UNI EN ISO 17025:2018. The employment opportunities are offered by productive companies, private laboratories and public administration that require specific skills within the Quality System of Test Laboratories as an integral part of their activities. For the former, the aim will be to raise quality and safety levels within their production processes, for the latter to raise the level of reliability of the analysis methods, operating according to the European standards of Quality Systems and in compliance with accreditation procedures. The preparation acquired on the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard relating to the accreditation of chemical laboratories will also allow the opening of professional outlets, as Director of Chemical Laboratory, Quality Manager, Inspector of Accreditation Bodies.
The course will be divided into teaching modules.