Urban Regeneration

Postgraduate type
Professional Master Programme
Academic year
1 year
Second level
Italian and seminars in English
Architecture and construction
In summary
Opening of applications
Closing of applications
University of Parma Department of Engineering and Architecture
Application calls and forms
ECTS credits
€ 2.516,00
Access requirements
  •     Second level degree (ex D.M. n. 509/99 and D.M. n. 270/04) in the following classes: Landscape Architecture (LM-3); Architecture and Architectural Engineering (LM-4); Civil Engineering (LM-23); Building Systems Engineering LM-24); Engineering for the Environment and Territory (LM-35); Spatial, Urban and Environmental Planning (LM-48). Degree obtained according to the pre-reform regulations D.M. n. 509/99, in Architecture or Civil or Environmental Engineering or Urban, Territorial and Environmental Planning, equivalent to the above classes (as per the ministerial table in D.I. 9 July 2009: http://attiministeriali.miur.it/anno-2009/luglio/di-09072009.aspx). Titles equivalent to the previous ones, according to the current legislation, or other qualification obtained abroad deemed suitable by the Executive Committee, according to the current legislation, for the sole purpose of enrolling in the course. Case by case evaluation of the affinity of the qualifications held by the candidate to the themes of the Master.

    The list of admitted will be made by order of registration

Contact for educational information

Prof. Michele Zazzi michele.zazzi@unipr.it 0521 906381

Beginning of teaching activities
February 2025
Methods of implementation
The teaching activities of the Master will be delivered in presence, with the possibility for students to participate in distance lessons, in synchronous mode.
Educational content

The Master aims to provide students with the following skills:

    acquisition of an interdisciplinary working method for the analysis, intervention and management of processes for urban regeneration and regeneration, with attention to environmental sustainability criteria, social and economic as well as responsible consumption of available resources;
    acquisition of a working method that ensures capacity and flexibility in responding to requests that are emerging at various levels of social, administrative and political decision-making;
    capacity to draw up a project or plan for the regeneration of buildings and urban areas aimed at the protection and enhancement of the city and territory.

Admission procedure

chronological order



Minimum number of enrollments
Maximum number of enrollments
Professional profile

The aim of the Master is to offer post-graduate training tools to graduates in technical subjects (architecture and construction engineering-architecture, territorial and environmental planning, civil engineering, engineering for the environment and the territory) or similar, or to professionals and employees of public administrations who carry out tasks related to the subjects of the Master.