Neuroscience (administrative hub Parma)

Postgraduate type
Academic year
a.a. 2024/2025 - inizio corsi 01/11/2024
3 years
In summary
Opening of applications
Closing of applications
Application calls and forms
Access requirements

The Access to doctoral positions is through public selection. All the information and requirements are contained in the relative call for admission.

The Access to doctoral positions is through public selection. All the information and requirements are contained in the relative call for admission.

All information and requirements for admission to the XL cycle – a.y. 2024/2025 – start of courses 01/11/2024 are published on the web page of the PhD – Phd Enrollment.


Research topics

The objectives of the PhD course in Neuroscience are divided into general educational objectives, common to all students regardless of the research group they belong to, and specific technical-scientific objectives, relating to the doctoral project defined for the individual student.
The general objectives are pursued through the provision of multidisciplinary training by members of the teaching staff and other highly qualified personnel on the general issues addressed in the neuroscientific field, to provide students with an integrated general vision on research approaches and methodologies starting from the biological basis of behavior, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy and neuroimaging techniques. Particular attention is given to basic training in methodological, statistical and programming fields, to give students the basic skills necessary to acquire autonomy and a critical spirit in the planning and execution of experiments and in data analysis, dealing with examples from the various disciplinary areas in which the course is divided.
The specific objectives concern the planning and implementation of original experimental research projects in the various fields represented by the curricula in which the Doctorate is divided. Students will have the opportunity to apply and integrate their theoretical and methodological preparation with experimental practice in the laboratory, supported by cutting-edge research infrastructures and trained personnel for the supervision of individual experiments, leading to the production of original results intended for publication in peer-reviewed international scientific journals.
Overall, the PhD therefore aims to train researchers with a solid theoretical-practical preparation in the neuroscientific field, capable of carrying out the distinctive research activities of the research field explored in the course with autonomy and a critical spirit.


Prof. Luca Bonini

T. 0521 906290 E.