Pediatric Dentistry - non medical graduates

Postgraduate type
Specialisation schools
Academic year
3 years
Sanitaria non medica
In summary
Parma administrative headquarters
Further information
Department of Medicine and Surgery
Access requirements
  • Admission to the School of Specialization in Pediatric Dentistry is reserved for Master's graduates in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (Class LM 46), Specialist graduates in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (Class 52/S) and graduates of the "old" system in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics. Applicants must also possess the relevant license to practice by the date of registration. Graduates who have not yet obtained the aforementioned qualification may participate "under condition" in the admission tests, with the obligation to pass the state exam by the date of registration.
  • Also admitted to the competition for admission to the School are those who hold a degree and professional qualification, obtained from foreign universities and deemed equivalent for the sole purpose of admission to the School, and who have obtained recognition of the qualifications for the purpose of practicing the profession.
  • Enrollment in the School of Specialization is incompatible with concurrent enrollment in Degree Courses (pre-Ministerial Decree 509/1999), Bachelor's Degree and Master's/Master's Degree, PhD Courses, School of Specialization, University Master's Degree.
Link to the call
  • The Order of Studies is regulated by D.I. 68/2015. The duration of the Course of Studies is 3 academic years that cannot be shortened and provides for the total acquisition of 180 CFU.
  • Those who have passed the final examination will be awarded the Diploma of Specialization in Pediatric Dentistry.

Prof.ssa Silvia Pizzi


Notices: Administrative information can be obtained from the Graduate School Service Office.


  • The School aims to train specialists who have acquired theoretical, scientific and professional knowledge in the field of Pediatric Dentistry and theoretical, scientific and professional knowledge related to the physiology of growth, psychological, social and intellectual development of the developing subject and the pathophysiology, clinical, therapy and prevention of specialized odontostomatological diseases in pediatric age also in subjects with systemic diseases; are specific areas of expertise, in addition to Pediatric Odontostomatology, functional and instrumental semeiotics, pathophysiology, clinical and early interceptive therapy of malocclusions.