cod. 1006695

Academic year 2018/19
2° year of course - First semester
Valentina BIANCHI
Academic discipline
Elettronica (ING-INF/01)
"altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro"
Type of training activity
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with the knowledge of the main features of the MATLAB software in order to use it as a support tool to the electronics design. The student will learn 1. to work in Matlab environment, knowing the data types available and how to operate them, 2. to analyze and process the data for the preliminary study of algorithms and systems, also using specific toolbox, 3. To design and to simulate a system using Simulink. 4. Flow Chart and Finite State Machine design with StateFlow. The student will learn to apply the acquired knowledge to simple analysis and data processing problems by solving them through MATLAB and how to implement and verify algorithms in the MATLAB environment. He/she will learn how to communicate and document the choices made through the code writing.


basics concepts about programming taught in previous courses.

Course unit content

The course is dedicated to the use of the MATLAB software as a support to electronic design, both as regards the analysis of data both as regards the systems design, modeling and simulation.
Topics include:
1. The MATLAB environment with application examples
2. The SIMULINK environment

Full programme

1.1. Work environment (1 hour)
1.1.1. Workspace
1.1.2. Commands
1.1.3. Documentation
1.2. Variables (3 hours)
1.2.1. The double data type
1.2.2. Arrays and matrices
1.2.3. Aritmetic operators
1.2.4. Matrix operators
1.2.5. Logical operators
1.2.6. Matrices/arrays concatenation
1.2.7. Indexing
1.3. Other datatypes (4 hours)
1.3.1. Char
1.3.2. Cell arrays
1.3.3. Tables
1.3.4. Structures
1.3.5. Datetime, duration
1.3.6. Logical
1.3.7. Categories
1.3.8. Data conversions
1.3.9. Data types and memory
1.4. Editor, Script and functions (3 hours)
1.4.1. Script
1.4.2. Functions
1.4.3. Debug
1.4.4. Reports and code performance
1.4.5. MATLAB Programming
1.5. Input/output operations
1.6. Data visualization
2.1. Statistics analysis and machine learning – MATLAB
2.1.1. Statistical functions
2.1.2. Data clustering
2.1.3. Example of data elaboration for classification learner App
3.1. Model creation
3.2. Model simulation
3.3. Simulation output analysis
3.4. Transferring data with MATLAB
3.5. Subsystems creation and managing
5. STATEFLOW (3 hours)
5.1. Flow Chart
5.2. Finite State Machines


Holly Moore, MATLAB for Engineers, 5e, Pearson Education Inc, 2018
ISBN: 978-0-13-458964-0
Language: English

Teaching methods

12 lessons of 2 hours each. Lessons will be held at a PC to perform exercises on the topics covered.

Assessment methods and criteria

Practical test. The test will be simultaneous with that of the “Laboratorio MATLAB per l’elettronica 2” course. The test will consist of two exercises (one for each course): the student can complete both exercises or only the one related to the course for which he/she wants the recognition of the academic credits. With reference to this course, the exercise could be:
- the elaboration of some data that will be provided by the teacher: the data will be imported with one of the techniques presented in the lesson, and then analysed and processed according to a particular algorithm provided in the examination text and finally plotted.
- Creating and simulating a SIMULINK model.
The test is evaluated on scale 0-32. The honors are reserved to a score of more than 30.

Other information

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