cod. 1011376

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Pietro CELO
integrated course unit
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The student - knows advanced elements (lexico-grammatical) of Italian sign language, with references to regional varieties - is able to use them in medium-complex communicative situations; knows translation and interpretative aspects between signed languages ​​and vocal languages.


passing the LIS 1 exam

Course unit content

Aspects of LIS linguistics, notes on Deaf culture and the history of Deaf Institutions will be explored in depth. Furthermore, interpretative and translation aspects from and towards Sign Language, intramorphism and emotional aspects of interpretation will be developed.

Full programme

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Pietro Celo 2023. Appunti di Linguistica pratica di Lingua dei Segni Italiana. Manuale per principianti. Uninova. Parma.

Buonomo Valeria e Pietro Celo 2010: “L’interprete di Lingua dei Segni Italiana”, Hoepli, Milano.

Pietro Celo 2015, I segni del tradurre, Aracne ed. Roma.

V. Volterra et al. 2019. Descrivere la lingua dei segni italiana. Una prospettiva cognitiva e sociosemiotica. il Mulino. Firenze

Teaching methods

frontal lesson, practical simulations

Assessment methods and criteria

theoretical interview in Italian and conversation in Italian Sign Language LIS

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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