cod. 19628

Academic year 2007/08
3° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
9 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

<br />Provide concepts regarding technological, structural and hygienic aspects of major animal-based products;<br />Analyse basic information regarding food legislation, existing cross-sector and vertical standards;<br />Comprehend the goals of the new European legislation in the alimentary field, in light of the principles outlined in the White Book 2000 and the standards published following its issue<br /> 


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Course unit content

<br />Course material, divided into units with classroom instruction and field trips, covers the technical-structural organisation of food plants; and analyses the production technology of a range of animal-based food products (cured meats and sausages, egg products, beekeeping, etc.) with emphasis on the standards that govern the activity of the producers and management of hygiene and production. In particular, in addition to the vertical standards for each food chain (fish, milk and dairy products, eggs and egg products, poultry and beekeeping), the “Hygiene packet” and traceability standards, GM foods, specialty foods and baby foods and organic products.

Full programme

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<br />Tiecco G. (1999). Hygiene and food technology. Edagricole, Bologna:<br />Moggi C., Turconi G. (2003). Igiene degli Alimenti e Nutrizione Umana. Edizioni mediche scientifiche internazionali, Roma.<br />Clerici A. Rubino V. (2005). Controllo ufficiale e autocontrollo nel pacchetto igiene. Edizioni Taro

Teaching methods

<br />The course includes classroom lectures and field trips.<br />At the end of the course, there will be an oral exam.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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