cod. 03721

Academic year 2009/10
2° year of course - Second semester
Marzia BISI
Academic discipline
Fisica matematica (MAT/07)
Interdisciplinarità e applicazioni
Type of training activity
32 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

Aim of the course is to present some mathematical methods useful in the treatment of problems arising in Applied Sciences, and also to enlarge the knowledge of the basic calculus.


Calcolo I, II, III

Course unit content

<p>Series of functions. Puntual and uniform convergence, power series, Fourier series and applications.</p>
<p>Fourier transform and integral. Definitions, properties, examples. Distributions, Dirac's delta. Laplace trasnsform.</p>
<p>Functions of complex variable: theorems and applications. Cauchy's theorem and formula, Laurent's and Taylor's series, Jordan's lemma </p>

Full programme

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C.D. PAGANI, S. SALSA, Analisi Matematica Vol. 2, MASSON; <br />
M. BRAMANTI, C.D. PAGANI, S. SALSA, Matematica: calcolo infinitesimale e algebra lineare, ZANICHELLI (2° ed.); <br />
L. AMERIO, Funzioni analitiche e trasformata di Laplace, POLITECNICA C. TAMBURINI; <br />
G. SPIGA, Problemi matematici della Fisica e dell'Ingegneria, PITAGORA; <br />
R.E. GREENE, S.G. KRANTZ, Function theory of one complex variable, A.M.S. (2° ed.); <br />
M. BISI, M. GROPPI, G. SPIGA, "Appunti introduttivi alle funzione complesse di una variabile complessa", Dispensa del Dip. di Matematica PARMA. <br />

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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