cod. 1008937

Academic year 2021/22
6° year of course - Annual
Professor responsible for the course unit
Susanna Maria Roberta ESPOSITO
integrated course unit
10 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The goal of the professional internship is to train students in Medicine and Surgery on how to manage pediatric patients for the purposes of professional qualification.


Passing the general and specialist pediatric exam.

Course unit content

The professionalizing internship will be exclusively practical and will concern the acquisition of skills in the management of the healthy newborn, the main cases that require urgent hospitalization or elective pediatrics and cases that can be managed on an outpatient basis.

Full programme

The internship, providing as a prerequisite the passing of the general and specialist pediatric exam and having the aim of training for professional qualification, is characterized by a practical cut. Therefore, there is no specific program and learning will be assessed in the field according to the cases that the trainee will face.


Principi N, Rubino A. (same as bibliography)

Teaching methods

Tutoring during the visits.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation carried out by the tutor during the attendance period.

Other information

We have taken steps to organize your internships with specific dates.
Starting from June 2021, you can register in the various available dates that you will see below, the shifts will be two weeks each, YOU CAN CHOOSE THE DIVISION in this way:
5 students in the PEDIATRIC CLINIC DEPARTMENT (3rd floor for children from 8.30 am)
N. 2 Students in NEONATOLOGY (2nd floor Children's Hospital from 8.30 am)
N. 2 Students in PEDIATRIC ALLERGOLOGY (2 floor Pad. Cattani from 8.30)
N. 1 Student in PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY (2 floor Pad. Cattani from 8.30)
N. 1 Student in INFANT RESPIRATORY PHYSIOPATHOLOGY (1 floor Pad. Cattani from 8.30)
N. 1 Student in PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY (1 day hospital plan Children's hospitality from 8.30 am)
Obviously, among you, you have the opportunity to change, if you are interested in more places to attend, the important thing is to always keep the CORRECT number for each clinic and department.
At the end of the shift you can deliver your booklet to the secretariat (on the 2nd floor of Pad. Cattani) for signature and evaluation.
For any clarification we are available.

Prof. Susanna Esposito

Pediatric Clinical Secretariat
0521 702216;

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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