Course unit partition: PIACENZA

Academic year 2008/09
3° year of course -
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative (MED/48)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
18 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

 Provide a conceptual framework of reference for understanding the NHS
 Describe the dynamic functioning of the NHS
 Illustrate the cultural and ideological aspects that come into play in structuring the system
 Produce in the students a general knowledge of the Italian health legislation and of the structure of the National and Regional Health Service, especially in relation to the rehabilitative activity.
 Create the first approach with professional and organizational legislative instruments



Course unit content

 History of health care in Italy: from Mutual Aid Societies to today (summary)

 Models and health systems in Europe and in the world (summary)

 The main health laws, their guiding principles and the health protection (summary)
- Law 833/78 National Health Plan
- Legislative Decree 502/92 Regional Health Plan
- Legislative Decree 517/93 Local Implementation Plan - Share Plan - Company Act
- Law 419/98 Authorization - Accreditation - Agreements
- Legislative Decree 229/99 E.C.M.
- LReg 34/98 Norms in subject of authorization and accreditation of the public and private sanitary structures in performance of the DPR 14 January 1997, nonche 'of operation of public and private structures that, svolgono attivita' partner-sanitary and partner-attendance.
- DPCM 11/29/01 n. 26 Definition of Essential Assistance Levels (LEA)
- Prime Ministerial Decree of 5 March 2007 amending certain parts of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 29 November 2001, with particular reference to non self-sufficiency.

 History of Rehabilitation: principles - objectives - areas of intervention
The Guidelines on Rehabilitation (1998), approved by the State - Regions agreement of 7 May 1998
Decree of the Ministry of Health of 12 September 2006, implementing the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 170, of the law n. 311/2004 which defined the rates for hospital rehabilitation services

 The Physiotherapist's operations:
- where: areas of intervention - levels of care
- when: prevention - impairment - disability - handicap
- how: guidelines - protocols – procedures - evaluation scales - VRQ verification and review of quality - Authorization of rehabilitation facilities - Accreditation of rehabilitation facilities
- why: need for health - demand for services – production of services - health expenditure - cost / benefit verification

 Legislative tools in the work of the physiotherapist:
- Law 104/92 Framework law for assistance, social integration and the rights of handicapped people
- Law 118/71 civil invalidity
- Invalidity due to service
- Law 68/99 rules for the right to work for the disabled
- DM 332/99 Provision of prosthetic assistance available within the National Health Service (Preliminary Tariff Nomenclature)
- Laws for the elimination of architectural barriers from buildings.
- Law of reform of social assistance

 Glossary - source retrieval

Full programme

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notes provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

The course is structured on the parallelism between the theory contained in the legislation and the verifiable practice in the organizational reality.

Assessment methods and criteria

interactive during lessons

Other information

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