cod. 15931

Academic year 2008/09
3° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
TANZI Maria Luisa
integrated course unit
3 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

<br />The student will have to acquire the essential slight knowledge on the prevention of the infectious diseases and not; to acquire acquaintances of environment hygiene, of hospital worker hygiene, of hygiene to the health; to know the main risk factors tied to the job and daily life. Know the main diseases tied to the professional activity of the physiotherapist and the re-education of gestures in the corrected movement; organization of the rehabilitation services <br /> .


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Course unit content

<br /><br />General epidemiology of the infectious disease<br />-         transmission of the infections<br />-         relation between host and parasite<br />-          factors supporting the infections<br />-         tipology of appearance of the infectious illnesses in the population<br />Preventive medicine<br />-         prevention aims and method<br />-         levels of the preventive intervention: tertiary, secondary, primary prevention<br /><br />General prevention of non-infectious disease <br />Infection prevention<br />-         discovery and inactivation of the infection sources<br />-         interruption of the transmission chains<br />-         immune active and passive prevention<br />-         farmacologic prevention<br />Prevention of the transmissible infections with the blood<br />-         HBV, HDV, HCV, HIV<br /> Hospital infection<br /> Education to the health<br />-         health promotion<br />-         strategies of the sanitary education<br />-         ambient education<br /> Hygiene of the environment<br />-         the drinkable water: gestures on the supplying sources, possibilities of pollution; drinkable criterions, purification methods<br />-         atmospherical pollution<br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /> <br />

Full programme

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 Igiene – Barbuti S. - Bellelli E.-Fara GM.-Gianmanco G.Ed. Monduzzi ( II edizione)<br />. Igiene Medicina Preventiva e Sanità Pubblica – <br />

Teaching methods

<br />Oral lesson<br />Oral exam

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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