cod. 20256

Academic year 2008/09
6° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Neurologia (MED/26)
Discipline neurologiche
Type of training activity
4 hours
of face-to-face activities
0.5 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: MEDICAL-SURGICAL EMERGENCIES

Learning objectives

<br />The course is aimed at providing students with notions about how to recognize and treat clinical emergencies and urgencies of neurological interest. In particular, students will acquire decision-making and operating skills that will enable them to promptly establish a diagnosis and manage treatment for the most common neurological emergencies/urgencies.


the same of the integrated course

Course unit content

<br />-         Head and spinal injury management<br />-         Acute intracranial hypertension<br />-         Coma evaluation and classification<br />-         Cerebral and subarachnoid haemorrhaging<br />-         Myasthenic crisis<br />-         ER headache management<br /> <br /> 

Full programme

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Maurice Victor, Allan H. Ropper titolo “Adams & Victor Principi di Neurologia” 7^ ediz. anno 2002 testo tradotto in italiano Casa Editrice MC Graw-Hill<br /><br />

Teaching methods

<br />Teaching activities: Up-front classes,<br />Type of examination: Oral examination Course teachers: Prof. Gian Camillo Manzoni 

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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