cod. 05605

Academic year 2009/10
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Costruzioni idrauliche e marittime e idrologia (ICAR/02)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
45 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course deals with the hydraulic design of hydropower plants, artificial drainage networks and irrigation plants, both pressurized and open-channel.


Hydraulics, Hydrology, Geotechnics, Structural Engineering

Course unit content

 Adduction main pipelines: gravity and lift schemes, hydraulic transients control, charge and compensation basins, oscillatory wells.Hydropower plants: basic schemes, plants with and without flow regulation, forced pipelines, interception, regulation and security valves, plant project and design.Hydraulic turbines: definitions, classification and functional features, fundamental equation of hydraulic turbines, similarity and characteristic rounds number, characteristic curves, problems in machine operation.Hydroelectric power plants: operating programmes, automatic regulations of hydroelectric groups, pressure control and escape velocity of groups.Irrigation plants: scope and definitions, relationships between soil, climate and crops, field water supply, pressurized and open-channel irrigation networks, watering methods and schemes. Outlines of drainage networks: hydrological references, scope, hydraulic design.

Full programme

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<p>G.Evangelisti : Impianti idroelettrici. Ed. Patron, Volume 2°.Manuale di Ingegneria Civile. Ed. Zanichelli / Esac C.Datei : La protezione delle gallerie e delle condotte nei sistemi a pressione. Libreria Cortina, Pd.</p>
<p>M.Poirée, Ch.Ollier : Irrigation. Ed.Eyrolles, Paris.</p>

Teaching methods

<p>Four numerical exercises are provided, two of which are compulsory: 1) mass oscillation computations in hydropower plants, 2) waterhammer computations in hydropower plants, 3) design of pressurized irrigation plant, 4) design of drainage network. The numerical analyses entail the PC general knowledge and the use of specific tools to be provided by the Course. The exercises should be completed and produced al least 7 days before the final examination, in paper and magnetic form.</p>
<p>The oral examination splits into two parts: A) discussion on exercises and practical test with their computational tools ; B) questions about the course programmein written or verbal form (student’s choice). </p>

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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