cod. 13170

Academic year 2008/09
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Restauro (ICAR/19)
Architettura e urbanistica
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to offer students basic information for becoming valid interlocutors in the historical and artistic building heritage conservation activity, and also adequate critical skills that, at professional level and under the guidance of a planner, will allow them to carry out the preliminary operations of the preservation project with sufficient critical ability.


No particular preparatory information is needed for the course. Since this course is taught during the third year of three-year first degree courses, it makes use of the information acquired by the students during their normal educational path.

Course unit content

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Definition of the following terms: Restoration, Preservation, Reclamation, Consolidation, Renovation, Urban renewal, Maintenance. <br />
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History of Restoration: from the speculative approach to the normative approach. <br />
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The concept of "history"; the idea of "restoration" before the nineteenth century, the value of the cultural heritage with particular regard to historical, artistic, architectonic and environmental heritage. <br />
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The main protagonists of the debate in Europe in the nineteenth century: Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-Le-Duc (1814-1879), John Ruskin (1819-1900), Camillo Boito (1836-1914), Alois Riegl (1858-1905), Gustavo Giovannoni (1873-1947), Max Dvoøak (1874-1921). <br />
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Le "carte" del restauro: Carta d'Atene (1931), Carta del restauro italiana (1931), Istruzioni per il restauro dei monumenti (1938), Carta di V! enezia (196 4), Carta del restauro - Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione (1972), Carta europea del patrimonio architettonico (1975), Dichiarazione di Amsterdam (1975). <br />
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Accenni al dibattito nella seconda meta del Novecento (l'interesse per il paesaggio e l'ambiente, l'estendersi dell'interesse dal "monumento" al "centro storico" e all'edilizia). <br />
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La leggi di tutela del '900 fino al Decreto Legislativo n. 490 del 29/10/99 - Testo Unico Disposizioni Legislative in Materia di Beni Culturali e Ambientali. <br />
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Dalla teoretica alla pratica: il progetto di restauro. Gli organ! i preposti alla tutela dei beni artistici nazionali e internazionali. Dall'Unita d'Italia all'organizzazione del Ministero dei Beni Culturali (1974-1975). <br />
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Cenni sull'attivita dell' ICR e del gruppo Nor.mal: la conoscenza e la catalogazione del patrimonio culturale e la sua difesa materiale. <br />
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Inspection <br />
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Visual investigation: usefulness of sketches and of the preliminary photographic campaign. <br />
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Building systems <br />
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Building elements: foundations, vertical support elements, horizontal members, arches, vaults, roofing (flat and gable) <br />
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Traditional building materials. <br />
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Building criteria linked to the geometry of the building: The "art of building" in relation to the choice of materials and their manufacture. The shape of the structural elements connected with their utilization and with their use in the structure. "Theoretical and practical treatise on the art of building" by J-. B. Rondelet (1743-1829). <br />
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Interaction between materials and shape. <br />
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Deterioration of material: criteria for identifying deterioration phenomena and their causes. <br />
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Instability of structures: criteria for identifying instability phenomena and their causes. <br />
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Interpretation of the behaviour of traditional structures: references to the mechanics of rigid bodies and the theory of elasticity applied to the inspection of existing structures. Tension states. <br />
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Crack patterns and instabilities: survey and interpretative investigation. Mechanisms of breakage and collapse <br />
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On-site and laboratory investigations on materials and structures (physical, chemical and mechanical analyses): aims, instruments, methods, interpretative criteria. <br />
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Historical research <br />
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Analysis of documentation and sources (bibliographic and archival), graphic and photographic documents: libraries, public and private archives. <br />
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Organization and interpretation of information. <br />
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Geometrical survey <br />
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Purpose of the survey, subject of the survey for restoration (geometrical, material, structural), data output and display methods. <br />
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Consolidation as accepted restoration practice: consolidation of building structures and consolidation of material. <br />
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Static consolidation of structures. The mechanisms of instability, causes and intervention criteria with regard to: foundations, ground-foundations interaction, vertical structures, horizontal structures, thrusting elements (arches, vaults, gable roofing), domes, framework structures (trusses). <br />
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From the survey of the existing condition (historical, geometrical, material and structural) to the preservation project: historical research, inspection, geometrical survey, identification and survey of materials and of forms of deterioration, identification of building systems, survey and representation of instabilities (deformations, damage, fractures), diagnosis, intervention project, building site. <br />
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Full programme

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<br />
- Carbonara G., Avvicinamento al restauro, Teoria, storia, monumenti, Liguori Editore, Napoli, 1997 <br />
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- Che cos?e il restauro?, by B. Paolo Torsello, Marsilio, Venezia, 2005 <br />
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- Gurrieri F., Dal restauro dei monumenti al restauro del territorio, Sansoni, Firenze, 1983 <br />
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- Dezzi Bardeschi M., Restauro. Punto e da capo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1992 <br />
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- Blasi C., Centauro G. A., Chimenti M., Papi R., La rilevazione dell'edificio danneggiato, in Regione Umbria "Manuale per la riabilitazione e la ricostruzione degli edifici", by F. Gurrieri, DEI, Roma, 1999 <br />
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Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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