cod. 03522

Academic year 2009/10
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Musicologia e storia della musica (L-ART/07)
Discipline linguistiche, filologiche e metodologiche
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge of the dramaturgical devices specific to the theatrical genre of “Italian opera”; knowledge of the principal outlines of the history of melodrama; reading and comprehension of an opera libretto and its structure. Reading and analysis of an opera score.



Course unit content

Title of the course: Opera and its environs <br />
<br />
Module A (5 cfu [university education units]): Dramaturgy of Italian opera <br />
<br />
The first part of the course will introduce the most heavily debated issues in the study of opera and will outline the ways in which music, literary text, recitation, theatre productions, etc., <br />
have been organised over time to create theatrical musical performances. Various examples of traditional operas from between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries will be presented. <br />
<br />
Module B (5 cfu): Opera and its environs <br />
<br />
The second part of the course will examine in detail some librettos and illustrative intonations of musical theatre from the mid-nineteenth century and the second half of the twentieth century. To address the twentieth century musical dramaturgy we will also turn our attention to compositions not strictly theatrical, but related to the narrative and representation in music (symphonies, tone poems, oratorios, etc.). <br />

Full programme

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<br />
1) One title from the two following: <br />
<br />
a) Carl Dahlhaus, Drammaturgia dell'opera italiana, in Storia dell'opera italiana, VI: Teorie e tecniche, immagini e fantasmi, Turin, EdT, 1988, pp. 77-162 <br />
<br />
b) Lorenzo Bianconi, Introduzione a La drammaturgia musicale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1985, pp. 7-51 <br />
<br />
2) One volume selected from the following: <br />
<br />
a) Lorenzo Bianconi, Il teatro d’opera in Italia, Bologna, il Mulino, 1993 <br />
<br />
b) Gilles De Van, L'opera italiana. La produzione, l’estetica, i capolavori, Rome, Carocci, 2002 <br />
<br />
3) Paolo Russo, Largo al concertato! Alle origini del “quadro di stupore”, in “Il Saggiatore musicale”, 2008, pp. 33-66 <br />
<br />
4) Listening to three operas selected from the following (with the contextual reading of the libretto), and the study of related articles. <br />
<br />
a) Ranieri de’ Calzabigi - Christoph W. Gluck, Orfeo <br />
<br />
Daniel Heartz, Da Garrick to Gluck: la riforma del teatro e dell’opera in musica a metà Settecento, in La drammaturgia musicale, edited by L. Bianconi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1986, pp. 57-73. <br />
<br />
Alessandra Martina, Retorica e melodramma riformato: L'arioso “Che puro ciel!” in “Orfeo ed Euridice” of Calzabigi and Gluck, in Musical signification, between rhetoric and pragmatics/La significazione musicale, tra retorica e pragmatica, edited by Luca Marconi, Gino Stefani, Eero Tarasti, Bologna, Clueb, 1999, pp. 413-425 <br />
<br />
Gerardo Tocchini, "Basta, basta, o compagni": Orfeo, Calzabigi, Gluck, and the Libera Muratoria di metà Settecento, “Analecta musicologica”, XXX/1-2, 1998, pp. 543-582 <br />
<br />
b) Lorenzo Da Ponte - Wolfgang A. Mozart, Nozze di Figaro <br />
<br />
Fabrizio Della Seta, Cosa accade nelle “Nozze di Figaro” II, 7-8? Problemi di teoria e analisi del melodramma, in “Il Saggiatore musicale”, V, 1998, pp. 269-307 <br />
<br />
Daniel Heartz, “Le nozze di Figaro” in cantiere, in Mozart, edited by Sergio Durante, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1991, pp. 317-344 <br />
<br />
c) Angelo Anelli - Gioachino Rossini, Italiana in Algeri <br />
<br />
Paolo Fabbri, Due italiane in Algeri: da Mosca a Rossini, in Mozart, Paisiello, Rossini e l'opera buffa, “Analecta musicologica”, 1998, XXX/1-2, pp. 349-386 <br />
<br />
Gianni Ruffini, Drammaturgia come auto-confutazione teatrale: Aspetti metalinguistici alle origini della comicità nelle opere comiche di Rossini, in “Recercare”, IV, 1992; pp. 125-163. <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
a) J.S. Bach, Le Passioni (BWV 244, 245) <br />
<br />
Alberto Basso, Frau Musika. La vita e le opere di J.S. Bach, Turin, EdT, 1983, pp. 439-490 (as an alternative: Paolo Russo, Come ascoltare le Passioni di Bach, Milan, Mursia, 1995) <br />
<br />
Kurt von Fischer, Le passioni bachiane alla luce della tradizione musicale religiosa, in Ritorno a Bach. Dramma e ritualità delle Passioni, edited by Elena Povellato, Venice, Marsilio, 1986, pp. 35-48 <br />
<br />
Christoph Wolff, Forme musicali e strutture drammatiche nella Passione secondo Matteo, in Ritorno a Bach cit., pp. 89-100 <br />
<br />
<br />
Adriana Guarnieri Corazzol, Tristano, mio Tristano. Gli scrittori italiani e il caso Wagner, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1988, pp. 7-77 <br />
<br />
Maurizio Giani, Un tessuto di motivi. Le origini del pensiero estetico di Richard Wagner, Turin, Paravia, 1999, pp. 105-145, 160-194 <br />

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures, listening labs; workshops for analysis and commentary on a libretto text. <br />
<br />
Assessment: testing and discussion of workshop activity; discussions on the bibliography. <br />

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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