cod. 00567

Academic year 2009/10
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Lingua e letteratura latina (L-FIL-LET/04)
Discipline linguistiche, filologiche e metodologiche
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The objective of the course is the in-depth examination of the linguistic structure of the latin language and, through a specific path, the characterisation of some aspects of the poetics of Sidonio Apollinare.


The students must have acquired at least 5 cfu in basic Latin Literature (module A). <br />
Verification of basic linguistic knowledge (a written Latin test) is a prerequisite for participation in the exam. <br />

Course unit content

Course title: Aspetti della poetica di Sidonio Apollinare <br />
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The course addresses the reading and analysis of those Sidonian passages in which the author, with reference to his own work, provides useful indications for reconstructing the features of his poetics. In particular, the forewords and the prefaces offer, to an attentive reader, the possibility of understanding not only the conception that Sidonio Apollinare had of poetry, but also the function that the late poet attributed to poetry. <br />

Full programme

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A. Traina, G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario <br />
Verg. Aeneis II (Any edition with Latin text) <br />
Sall. De coniuratione Catilinae (Any edition with Latin text) <br />
Essay of the student’s own choice to be agreed upon with the Professor. <br />
Monographic course: specific texts and bibliography will be provided in the course of the lessons. <br />

Teaching methods

The course will be executed through lessons and exercises, supported by a weekly tutorial. <br />
The exam consists of an oral test on different parts of the program. <br />

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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