cod. 18549

Academic year 2011/12
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi (SPS/08)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

Introduction to the understanding of emotions as mimetic, relational and social processes, according to anthropological theories of G. Bateson and R. Girard. Introduction to the concept of resentment, from Nietzsche to the recent theory of R. Girard, as a fundamental concept for understanding the dynamics of modern societies.
Introduction to the understanding of social and cultural change occurred from the fourthies to nowaday, with particular reference to the work of M. Magatti, which analyzes the transition from the societarian capitalism to the techno-nihilist capitalism as a step that involves a radical transformation of the theme of freedom.


Bachelor's degree in humanities or social sciences.

Course unit content

Information and resentment in the crisis society.
1. The information is not transmitted, is created. It is created socially, not individually by means of communication that are largely unconscious. 2. For millennia, our information was created through social interactions hierarchically and vertically stabilized by ceremonies of purification of the community based on sacrificial ritual killing of scapegoats. 3. With modernization a social landscape-individualized emerged, based on the rejection of "cleaning" violence. This rised a period of instability, as a "crisis", permanently open to change. But is the
principle of a "purifying" psycho-social violence really gone? O has moved in that personal and social form we call resentment?

Full programme

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1. R. Girard, Il risentimento, Cortina, Milano, 1999 (tranne capitolo 2).
2. S. Manghi, La conoscenza ecologica, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2010. Chi l’ha già
studiato nel triennio sostituisce con: A. Bonomi, Il rancore. Alle radici del malessere del
nord, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2010.
3. S. Tomelleri, Identità e gerarchia. Per una sociologia del risentimento, Carocci, Roma,
4. M. Magatti, Libertà immaginaria. Le illusioni del capitalismo tecno-nichilista, Feltrinelli,
Milano, 2009 (Introduzione e prima parte).

Teaching methods

Lezioni con discussione. Lettura collettiva di testi.

Assessment methods and criteria

> Methods of Examination 6 CFU (texts 1-2-3). Dissertation: 8000-12000 characters to deliver or send
on paper at least the first week of the appeal. Oral optional admission requires a
minimum score of 24/30 in the essay. This will be a "short essay" on an episode of
resentment freely identified (current, historical experience, literary, cinematic,
TV ...). The analysis should be conducted in the light of the exam papers, which will be cited
expressly and adequately, all, in the text. Each work will have a title will be preceded
a summary of 500 characters. You should read the novel by A. Camus, The Stranger.
Even better if you also read The Fall, short story (monologue) by the same author.
> Methods of Examination 12 CFU. Ditto, integrating with the text 4. Approximately 12-16000 characters

Other information

Constantly updated information in the teacher's web site.