Course unit partition: PARMA

Academic year 2012/13
3° year of course -
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative (MED/48)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
125 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

During the first and the second semester the student works independently with the patient. He is able, under the supervision of a professional physiotherapist, to organise and direct the rehabilitative programme, including advice on walking aids and tools and coaching the patient on using them.
The student is involved in:
Team discussion: problem solving with the supervisor, other professionals and the patient’s family
Building up a rehabilitative programme in order to minimise the time the patient has to spend in the hospital (instructing the patient and the family on the exercises the patient will have to perform once back home)


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Course unit content

The ability to examine the patient and build up a rehabilitative programme tailored to the particular dysfunction and needs of a neurological patient.
Presentation of the clinical cases including social and psychological features of the patient (with the help of the patient file and the patient interview).
Ability to identify the main problem of the patient.
Ability to identify which global and selective residual movements the patient has.
Ability to identify the short and long term objectives and the possible setbacks that can inhibit the accomplishment of these objectives.
Ability to build up a therapeutic programme tailored for every patient following a clinical exam.
Suggestion of walking and posture aid tools.
Ability to possibly instruct a caregiver on therapeutic and rehabilitative issues.

Full programme

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-“Muscoloskeletal assessment”, Hazel M. Clarkson, Edi- Ermes.
-“Physical examination of the spine”, S. Hoppenfeld, Aulo Gaggi Editore.
- “Muscles- testing and function”, Florence Peterson Kendall, Verducci Editore.
-“Fisiologia Articolare”, I. A. Kapandji, Marrapese Editore
-“Steps to Folow”, Patricia M. Davies, Sprinter-Verlag Editore.
-“So quel che fai” G. Rizzolatti, Scienza e Idee Editore
-“Starting Again” Patricia M. Davies, Springer Editore
-“ Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation” 2nd Ed., S. Brent Brotzman, Kevin E. Wiolk, Elsevier Ed.
-“La Riabilitazione Neuropsicologica” A. Mazzocchi, Masson Ed.
-“Gait Analysis- Normal and Pathological Function”, Jacquelin Perry, Slack Incorporated.
-“Mobilisation oh the Nervous System”, David S. Butler, Harcourt Health Sciences.
-“Riabilitazione dei Traumi Vertebro-Midollari” P.Di Benedetto-M. Franceschini- S.Lotta, Minerva
-“Argomenti di Pediatria”, M.Vanelli”, Terre Edizioni.
-“Riabilitare le Funzioni Cognitive”, R .Cattelani - D. Corsini, Uni.Nova.
-“I Disordini dello Sviluppo Motorio, Fisiopatologia-Valutazione Diagnostica- Quadri Clinici-
Riabilitazione”, E. Fedrizzi, Piccin Ed.”

Teaching methods

Practical training, laboratory in a small group.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written Test and practical examination

Other information

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