Course unit partition: Cognomi M-Z

Academic year 2011/12
1° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Geometria (MAT/03)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
50 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
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course unit
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Course unit partition: GEOMETRY AND ALGEBRA

Learning objectives

Provide students with the instruments for solving linear equation systems, working with matrices, solving simple Analytical Geometry exercises in space, recognising when a matrix is diagonalisable and tracing a quadratic form to a canonical form


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Course unit content

Operations between sets. Complements. Cartesian product. Relations, functions and their properties.
Vectorial algebra and its applications in geometry.
Vectorial space of real numbers n-tuples. Vectors in a space with n dimensions. Geometric interpretation in a space of dimension n=2 and n=3. Scalar product. Length and norm of a vector. Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Parallelism and orthogonality between vectors. Projections. Angle between vectors. Fundamental versors. Direction cosines. Linear dependence and linear independence of vectors. Bases. Vector product. Mixed product. Distance between two points. Linear equations. Direction parameters of a line. Equation of a plane. Normal vectors to planes. Angle between planes. Angle between a line and a plane. Distance of a point from a plane. Parallelism and orthogonality between lines and planes. Distance of its skew lines. Distance between planes. Geometric problems in three-dimensional space.
Matrices, determinants, linear systems.
The vector space of matrices. Product (lines by columns) of matrices. Range of matrices. Determinants of square matrices. Determinants and independence of vectors. The formula of the product by the determinants. The co-factor matrix. Matrix inverse and its calculation. The determinant of the matrix inverse of a non-singular matrix. Homogeneous and non-homogenous linear systems. M=n case. Cramer’s rule. Rouchè-Capelli theorem. Gaus-Jordan elimination method. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Quadratic forms and their diagonalisation. Applications. Conic and quadratic sections and their canonical forms.

Full programme

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Since this is a basic course, any Linear Algebra or Geometry text covers the subjects dealt with in the lessons.

Teaching methods

Oral lesson and laboratory .

Assessment methods and criteria

During the course some written tests will be given valid for passing the written examination.

Other information

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