cod. 1005408

Academic year 2013/14
2° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Prova finale per settore senza discipline (PROFIN_S)
Per la prova finale
Type of training activity
Language/Final test
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
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course unit
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Learning objectives

The module is aimed at the success of the synthesis laboratory. The theme chosen must have conditions of complexity, articulation and an urban role corresponding to the training focused on the potential of the innovative aspects and experimentation. These characteristics represent the objectives in terms of knowledge and ability to understand (Dublin Descriptor 1), of skills (Dublin Descriptor 2) that the student must acquire through attendance and his/her application at the workshop. The teaching has a further objective which is the attainment of an early autonomy of critical judgement (Dublin Descriptor 3) as well as the acquisition of skills necessary for communication of the project (Dublin Descriptor 4). The purpose of the lessons and the checks is therefore to provide the foundation to start preparing the Master's thesis.


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Course unit content

The module Staging museological be a contribution to support the design activity oriented towards the design of museums from the urban scale to architectural and interiors and fittings.
The module is divided into seminars that will present the theoretical literature and the most significant cases of the architectural debate on the topic.

Full programme

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Targeted bibliographical information is given with respect to the specific issues addressed.

Teaching methods

The workshop is intended as a place for single or collective operators in which designs are made, according to a methodology of discussion between teacher and student, individually or in small groups (max. 2-3 students). In the first phase, the collection of knowledge and initial analysis, the student will be directed to research in the library or archives. The teaching makes use of lectures, seminars and workshop activities on the architectural project. The various phases will discuss general issues, both theoretical and practical, addressed in the project by the student, who has the chance to experiment with standalone solutions under the guidance of a maieutics teacher.

Assessment methods and criteria

The procedures to check on the final degree of learning take place at a seminar coordinated with other design workshops. The student is obliged to exhibit the work done and its path, to an exam board composed of professors from the area of architectural design, thus demonstrating the knowledge and skills acquired and their possible connections (Dublin Descriptors 1 and 2) in addition to the communicative skills acquired (Dublin Descriptor 4). In addition to the final checks 2-3 moments of intermediate checks on learning are scheduled, conducted in seminar groups within the confines of the single workshop. Student assessment is made by taking into account both the final result and his/her application in the various phases of the project. The architectural project, according to the principle that it is the result of a complex merger between theoretical education and practical experimentation, becomes an element of general assessment within which individual contributions can be located. The evaluation is sufficient if the project demonstrates a capacity acquired to address the issue, in terms of approach but also in terms of graphic representation and verbal presentation. The final decision on the evaluation is the responsibility of the two professors heading the courses making up the workshop.

Other information

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