Course unit partition: Cognomi A-L

Academic year 2013/14
2° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Composizione architettonica e urbana (ICAR/14)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
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course unit
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Learning objectives

Marc Bloch wrote a few years ago: "The lack of understanding of this inevitably arises from ignorance of the past, but it is futile to try to understand the past if you do not know anything about this." The theme of the environment, such as basic schedule that fit and with whom dialogue is therefore one of the primary goals of the Laboratory. The city of the XXI century is called fact, more and more, to rethink, reinvent and transform large parts of its fabrics to meet the needs of a global society. Interventions, however, must be socially and culturally sustainable actions to be witnesses of their role in the contemporary civil, under penalty of loss of meaning and consequent failure. The project of the aggregate urban intended as an organism in its complex rules that underlie its multiplicity (of functions, uses, space) is the point of connection with the context, is the second objective of the Laboratory. A city, in fact, is a set of "tissue" (urban, social, economic, cultural, civil) whose interaction comes the very essence of his being "city." Knowing how to "read" these tissues, then, means being able to "write" their future, it means knowing how to design tissues and structures of the contemporary city. Each new part of town, however, is "autonomous and complementary" than the other, to establish a dynamic organization of relations, structures and spaces that characterize the identity of an urban landscape. The design of public space, within which collective neighborhood as a place in which there is life and architecture of the city is thus the third, essential goal of the Laboratory.
At the end of each student teaching experience must have acquired the tools and basic knowledge of urban design, the design of public space, the design of the residence. For they will add the ability to graphically present a project (in a series of tables) and operational awareness of some of the major programs of automatic drawing, photo editing and rendering


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Course unit content

The project of the city, between tradition and innovation, between history and modernity, as the foundation of a new and sustainable global society is the theme of the workshop. The urban morphology, as a tool that can "read" the environment and "translate" into a conscious design synthesis is the common thread of experience teaching.

The project involves the redevelopment and transformation of the Lungara in the Trastevere area of ​​Rome. The project stems from a reading of the historic fabric in order to understand the logic that have built up over time and define the latent structure, the "morphological map" on which to base the design of its transformation. The design of public space, together with that of a small piece of tissue in place of the Regina Coeli prison (of which will be demolished) form the educational theme.

The concept of mixité economic, social and cultural diversity is the foundation of the design.
The role of the residence must be predominant (a city is made up primarily of houses), by decline in housing of various sizes (at least: 100-120 sqm, 60-80 sqm, 38-40 sqm - study - to be allocated to students, singles , artists, young couples etc.) and structure (simplex-duplex). It will add an appropriate amount of commercial space destined for stores, shops, entertainment and restaurants. Goal: the creation of a complex fabric, mixed, dynamic (such as that of the historical city). On this system s'innesteranno some special buildings fundamental able to "gather and identify" the port in the larger urban structure and the landscape.
Everything will be "held together" by the design of open spaces, the real "main theme" of the whole project experience. The concept of space is to be understood, of course, as "full" civil whose urban role is, first of all, in the wise and conscious design of its "margins" as "limit" of mediation and connection between the new project and the city. They are, in fact, the definition of public space as "civil space" so that its position herself as an integral part of the wider urban organism.
The essay project qualifies, therefore, as a large civil project, a stratified "cultural landscape", of which the new project will have to consciously join.

Full programme

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- M. Maretto Ecocities. Il progetto urbano tra morfologia e sostenibilità. Franco Angeli, Roma-Milano 2012.
- M. Maretto Saverio Muratori. Il progetto della città. Franco Angeli, Roma-Milano 2012.
- M. Maretto Il Paesaggio delle Differenze. Architettura, città e territorio nella nuova era globale. ETS Edizioni, Pisa 2008.
- J. Habraken The Structure o the ordinary. Form and Control in the Built Environment. Jonathan Teicher, Editor, Cambridge MIT Press, 1998, 359 p.
- A.Petruccioli Jhon Brinkeroff Jackson. A proposito dei paesaggi. Dodici saggi brevi. ICAR, Politecnico di Bari 2006

Teaching methods

The architect of the twenty-first century will have to be an architect and then caught in possession of those critical tools essential for the understanding and management of complex processes typical of the new globalized world. The Laboratory will be supported, therefore, from a theoretical seminars whose content will be part of the final exam. The project work will be divided, then, in two phases / deliveries relating to two specific stages of progress of the work:

- The Masterplan (or the project of the city):
considered foundational experience that will occupy the entire first half and that will take place through a successive series of intermediate deliveries to ensure maximum awareness of design choices and accuracy of their formal communication. Never as in the urban project the careful choice of the graphic language is an essential component of the project.

- The design of the architecture:
on the design of one or more buildings (student's choice), preferably in a residential or mixed, to lead up to the scale of the detail, taking into account both the structural and technological. The buildings object of this phase must necessarily be carried out in direct relationship with a public space / collective to design jointly with them. This phase will occupy about two-thirds of the second semester.

For each phase is intended to prepare A1 format tables and the construction of a scale model properly.
Each of the two phases will end with a vote (out of thirty).
During the academic year, finally, a series of tutorials written / oral verify the knowledge on the part of the student, the theoretical arguments discussed in class.

All documentation relating to the project will be provided by the course

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exercises in the A. A. on theoretical issues treated by the Laboratory.
Discussion of the project carried out over the A. A.

Other information

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