cod. 1000948

Academic year 2015/16
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Microbiologia agraria (AGR/16)
Discipline della tecnologia alimentare
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: General Microbiology and Microbiology of the food

Learning objectives

The course of Microbial Contaminants aims to let the student know the effect of the presence and development of pathogenic, spoilage and virtuous microorganisms in food. In particular, it should develop the knowledge about the major diseases originating from microorganisms through the consumption of food and alterations of microbial origin of food. Students must know the intrinsic, extrinsic and implicit factors that influence the development and survival of microorganisms in food. The knowledge of these aspects will provide the essential elements for understanding the role of microorganisms in food production and their impact on food quality. The course aims to put the student in a position to draw conclusions about the effect of the presence and development of different microorganisms in food as defined in agreement with the specific objectives of the Master of Science in Food Gastronomy and of the food microbiology


basical microbiology

Course unit content

The first lessons are about topics of general interest related to microbial contamination and the effect of their development in food
The second part of the course are about the factors that influence the growth of microorganisms in foods and the modalities of prevention or reduction of microbial contamination in foods
The third part of the course focuses on the effect of the development of pathogenic, alterative and virtuous microorganisms in different foods

Full programme

The microbiological quality of foods.
The microorganisms in fermented and non fermented foods. Microorganisms in foods: bacteria, yeasts and moulds.
Microorganisms as indicators of process and contamination.
Pro-technological microorganisms, modifiers, pathogens.
Modifying microorganisms: food degradation.
Pathogenic microorganisms: pathogenesis. Infections and food poisonings: definition.
Virulent and toxic factors.
Pathogenic microorganisms in foods: Gram – and Gram +.
The contamination of foods.
Factors which influence the growth of microorganisms in foods: temperature, pH, Aw, potential redox and availability of oxygen, food composition.
Microbiology of animal origin food
Microbiology of vegetal origin food


Giovanni Antonio Farris, Marco Gobbetti, Erasmo Neviani, Massimo Vincenzini “Microbiologia dei prodotti alimentari” (2012) Casa Editrice Ambrosiana ISBN: 978-88-08-18246
Lessons' slides

Teaching methods

The teaching will be carried out through frontal lessons using slides that represent teaching material available online in pdf format for students.Specific lessons aimed to assessing the state of learning will be carried out at the end of each part of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

Final examination will be carried out by a written examination with open questions. Each questions will be evaluated in arrange between 18 and 30. The final evaluation will be obtained from the average achieved. The average achieved will be the same or more than eighteen in order to pass the exam

Other information

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