cod. 00368

Academic year 2016/17
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Prova finale per settore senza discipline (PROFIN_S)
Per la prova finale
Type of training activity
Language/Final test
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

The Module aims to provide the student learning of advanced knowledge about the main methods of urban and regional planning and the acquisition of technical knowledge for setting up of urban plans.
The student must develop the ability to critically evaluate purposes and methods of urban planning, and to identify the most appropriate planning solutions to solve urban problems in a given local context.
The module aims to broaden the skills already acquired in the Urban Planning and Design Studio of the first year of the Master of Science in Architecture, addressing experimental planning techniques, with particular attention to environmental sustainability and regeneration of the existing city.
At the end of the Module the student should have acquired an adequate command of the language with regard to the topics covered, as well as a good ability of critical evaluations of argument expressed in reference to the texts and plans covered in class.


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Course unit content

The Module in Regional Planning in Core Urban, Regional and Landscape Planning Studio, focuses attention on the role of urban and regional planning in the regeneration of the existing city.
The main topics are as follows:
current theories of urban and regional planning in times of crisis;
importance and relevance of the interdisciplinary contributions of specialized subjects, notably economics and ecology;
urban quality standards and ecological and environmental facilities;
criteria for the regeneration of the existing city;
positive and negative values of the contemporary outskirts;
regeneration of the contemporary outskirts.

Full programme

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Cappuccitti A. e Piroddi E., Urbanistica è progetto di città, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Rimini, 2012.
Cassatella C. e Gambino G. (a cura di), Il territorio: conoscenza e rappresentazione, CELID, Torino, 2012.
Gaeta L., Janin Rivolin U., Mazza L., Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale, CittàStudi, Milano, 2013.
Talia Michele (a cura di), Ri­conoscere e ri­progettare la città contemporanea, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2013.

Teaching methods

Topics covered in this Module are developed by:
summary of the main lessons on theoretical content of urban and regional planning;
seminars related to the discussion of specific bibliographic contributions and planning tools, considered as an example;
seminars with external lecturers from academia or the professions;
coordination and review of students' planning applications and collective discussion of the results.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the activities in the Module are carried out according to the criteria established in the overall assessment of the Core Urban, Regional and Landscape Planning Studio.
Partial audits may be conducted by the evaluation of exercises on reading literature and exercises of interpretation of the relevant cases of urban planning and design presented in class.

Other information

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