cod. 1005765

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Architettura tecnica (ICAR/10)
"discipline tecnologiche per l'architettura e la produzione edilizia"
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims at merging the technological skills acquired so far during students’ academic path, and aims at improving this knowledge throughout lessons, lectures and workshops regard some specific topics (1st descriptor).
The course also aims at providing students a technological awareness, also by testing the effective individual capability to use the theoretic knowledge into a practical design project. (2nd and 3rd descriptor).
The final exam will be useful to test the global learning and each student’s technological skills (4th descriptor).
Furthermore a cross-goal is to provide an operative methodology to be applied during the design stage and the constructive and building phases, considering different executive procedures, standards and regulatory criteria, as well as environmental and ecological issues.


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Course unit content

The class is focus on several topics: the innovative technologies, prefabrication oriented and industrial oriented production, as well as it is based the concept of design and production culture, according the so-called "traditional improved technologies."
The main topics are about the dimensional culture of innovation technologies – product innovation, system innovation and process evolution – subjects derived from different fields, as the performance implementation or any kind of implementations to respond any regulatory compliance – considering the distinctive technological improvements that each building technologies experience during times to address new functional, formal and market requirements.
Furthermore, the course will also focus on new performance requirements, useful to improve the indoor comfort conditions to address the energy-saving needs, with attention to the newest eco-friendly building components and materials, including technological devices for bioclimatic architecture- and it will pay attention to several technical solutions, with different innovation levels.
Moreover some lesson will be focused on the main certification systems, environmental and energetic certifications as well as on building product declaration and Life Cycle Assessment procedures.
The course will be held trough lectures and workshops, aiming at presenting the newest building materials, and building technologies, that can be found worldwide and in Italy, considering the most modern and experimental ones and reflecting on the traditional best practice technologies that are currently undergo several innovation processes. Thanks to a monographic approach all these topics will be studied, try to merge both the academic view and the industrial one.
The course aims at giving the most complete overview on building materials and building technologies.
Specific focuses will be dedicated to the study of building envelope and to its specific components, paying attention to the most innovative solutions and high efficiency technologies.

Full programme

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G. CIRIBINI, Tecnologia e/o Ambiente, Nuova Civiltà delle Macchine, n°2, 1984.
F. DE LUCA, M. NARDINI, Dietro le quinte. Tecniche d’avanguardia nella progettazione contemporanea, Testo&Immagine, Torino, 2003.
I. DELSANTE, Innovazione tecnologica e architettura, Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna, 2007.
P. FLICHY , L’innovazione tecnologica, Feltrinelli, Milano, I (ed. or. 1995, L’innovation technique, Éditions La Découverte, Paris), 1996.
G.NARDI, Tecnologie dell’architettura. teorie e storia, Clup, Milano, 2001
G.NARDI, Percorsi di un pensiero progettuale, Clup, Milano, 2003
I.PAOLETTI, L’innovazione consapevole. Nuovi percorsi per la tecnologia dell'architettura, Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna, 2012.
N. SINOPOLI, V. TATANO, Sulle tracce dell'innovazione. Tra tecniche e architettura, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2009.
C. TONELLI, Innovazione tecnologica in architettura e qualità dello spazio.Note per un accordo, Gangemi, Roma, 2004.
F. M.BUTERA, Dalla caverna alla casa ecologica: storia del comfort e dell’ energia, Edizione ambiente, Milano, 2007.
C. BENEDETTI, Manuale di architettura bioclimatica, Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna, 1994.
S. BRUNO, MANUALE DI BIOARCHITETTURA Bioedilizia e fonti alternative di energia rinnovabile, Flaccovio, Palermo, 2010.
G. DALL'O', A. GALANTE, Abitare sostenibile, Edizioni il Mulino, Bologna, 2010.
M. HEGGER, M. FUCHS, T. STARK, M.ZEUMER, a cura di, Atlante della sostenibilità, UTET, Torino, 2008
D. GAUZIN-MÜLLER , Architettura sostenibile, Edizioni Ambiente, Milano, 2002.
W. MITTERER, G.MANELLA, Costruire sostenibilità: crisi ambientale e bioarchitettura, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2013
P. SASSI, Strategie per l’architettura sostenibile, Edizioni Ambiente, Milano, 2008.
U. SASSO, Bioarchitettura. Forma & formazione. I dodici progetti di strutture formative, Alinea, Milano,2003.
U. SASSO, Spazio tempo bioarchitettura, Alinea, Milano,2009.
U. SASSO, Dettagli per la bioclimatica, Alinea, Milano,2006.

Teaching methods

Teaching methods will includes lectures, seminars, workshops, also held by some non-academic partners, practitioners and industrial entrepreneurs, to show the strong link between the design phase and the technological and constructive needs

Assessment methods and criteria

During the final written test each student will be evaluated on the main course subjects and topics. Everyone will be asked with some descriptive questions about the course program in order to evaluate a proper learning level.

Other information

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