cod. 1005764

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Architettura tecnica (ICAR/10)
"discipline tecnologiche per l'architettura e la produzione edilizia"
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims at going deeper into the environmental design matter, related to the architectural project. Furthermore, every topic related to environmental issues -with the only exception of building materials review, that that will be studied in the supplementary course - will be considered in their singularity, as well as, in their synergic connection.
From this point of view, bioclimatic approach represents a major and irreplaceable strategic and pre-conceptual design apparatus, in order to accomplish the overall comfort conditions both for indoor and outdoor spaces, with respect to the main features of environmental sustainability.


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Course unit content

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Full programme

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MARETTO M., Ecocities, Franco Angeli, Roma, 2012.
Buildings: A Critical Look at the Definition (2006). ACEEE Summer Study, Pacific Grove, California, 2006.
BUTERA F.M., Dalla caverna alla casa ecologica: storia del comfort e dell'energia, Edizione Ambiente, Milano, 2007.
CLEMENTI M., DESSÌ V. E LAVAGNA M., (a cura di), La rivoluzione sostenibile - territorio città architettura, Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna, 2009.
DESSI’ V., Progettare il comfort urbano: soluzioni per un'integrazione tra società e territorio, Sistemi Editoriali, Milano, 2007.
GEHL J., Cities for People, Island Press, Washington, D.C., 2010.
GIVONI B., Man, climate and architecture, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, NY, 1976.
GIVONI B., ed., “Issues in outdoor comfort research”, Passive And Low Energy Architecture, PLEA 2000, J&J, Cambridge,2000.
Givoni B., et al., “Outdoor comfort research issues”, Energy and Buildings, 35: 77–86, 2003.G.L. BALDO, Analisi del ciclo di vita. Gli strumenti per la progettazione sostenibile di materiali, prodotti e processi, Edizioni Ambiente, Milano, 2008.
G.L. BALDO, Analisi del ciclo di vita. Gli strumenti per la progettazione sostenibile di materiali, prodotti e processi, Edizioni Ambiente, Milano, 2008.
A. CAMPIOLI, M. LAVAGNA, Criteri di ecologicità̀ e certificazione ambientale dei prodotti edilizi in il Progetto Sostenibile (27): 48-55, 2011.
F. CAPPELLARO, S. SCALBI, La rete italiana lca: prospettive e sviluppi del life cycle assessment in italia, convegno della Rete Italiana LCA, Roma, 201.
M. LAVAGNA, Life cycle assessment in edilizia. Progettare e costruire in una prospettiva di sostenibilita' ambientale, Hoepli, Roma, 2008.
P. NERI, Verso la valutazione ambientale degli edifici. Life Cycle Assessment a supporto della Progettazione eco-sostenibile, Alinea, Roma, 2008.
K. ZAVAGLIA , Applicazione del Life Cycle Assessment per la valutazione della sostenibilità di un intervento edilizio, in Valutare la sostenibilità. Applicazioni in progetti, piani e programmi, a cura di M. Bottero e G. Mondini, edito da CELID, 2009.

Teaching methods

The course aims at reviewing deeply the technological matters that has been developed along the master program as well as at verifying the general knowledge with regards to building needs and technology and building envelope issues, with the proper goal to get a factual integration between architectural and technological requirements and other design needs (Ist descriptor).
The course goal is to stimulate in each student learning and operative skills, thanks to a small group student-work, that aims at testing students’ ability in using actively what they have learned during the lessons. The project-work provides students with a chance to test their own technological proficiency regards to building envelope and environmental issues. ( IInd and II rd descriptor).
Written Exam represent the most valuable way to reinforce and evaluate students’ understand of the course contents and to evaluate the general proficiencies levels of the class. ( IVth and Vth descriptor).

Assessment methods and criteria

The course will be held trough classroom lectures and workshop with non-academic professionals, project works and mid-term tests in order to evaluate the general proficiency level also with regard to specific project assignments.The course will be concluded with a final written exam, along with those of the other course focused on the class main subjects and themes.

Other information

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