cod. 1006082

Academic year 2016/17
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica (ICAR/20)
Progettazione urbanistica e pianificazione territoriale
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: URBAN PLANNING AND DESIGN STUDIO

Learning objectives

The Workshop aims to provide theoretical and practical tools for the
critical analysis of recent urban transformations. Intends in particular to
explore some methods of planning in order to develop proper practical skills and acquire
technical knowledge to approach and conceive a development plan.
The information obtained, especially the practical experience, are intended tol allow the
students to develop specific communication skills and let them be autonomous in further learning concerning
the issues of urban planning.



Course unit content

The subject is intended to explain the main arguments and cultural contents of urban design principles. In order to achieve this task, we will explore both regulatory, technical and institutional aspects, divided in different chapters:
1. Introduction to urban planning
Definitions according to different lines of interpretation and disciplinary perspectives: geography and urban economics, sociology. Following
characters will be treated: i.e. economic constraints, morphology, spatial location, planning, soil-use and regulation of contemporary urban development. Some issues in human geography, sociology and economics of urban space, the infrastructure framework, urban functions (production, residence, commerce, management, service);
2. Form and functions of the urban environment
Functions regulation and zoning. Recognition of urban areas and subdivisions: sectors, districts, neighborhood units. Quality and role of public space. The mutual setting of public and private city: commercial, economical functions as presence related to urban vivaciousness; public equipment as references of community life. Synergies and conflicts. Protection of ancient city centers and recovery of peripheral urban settlements.
3. the relationship between urban planning and protection of the landscape, agricultural structures and traditional rural settlements. The project of urban green spaces.
4. Specific themes in urban design
Under the theme of urban design were held the following more specific topics:
- regulation, preservation and transformation of historic districts, the project of self-sufficient residential
neighborhoods, suburbs and community equipments, manufacturing facilities and
infrastructures; public and community open space shaping.
- protection and enhancement of the landscape, agricultural structures and traditional
rural settlements.
- The structures of mobility and its influence in urban design. Functional classification of roads. Features and components of the road. Public transport and urban road network.
5. The project of the city from scratch.
And 'the central theme of the workshop, which aims to reflect on the
scenarios of contemporary urban design also through the examination of
case studies with the active participation of the students.

Full programme

1) urban analysis: infrastructures and road framework; urban structure (block, grading of parcels; building types); community facilities; open and public space; 

2) soil-use regulatory instruments;

3) classification standards, development rights, density and calculations;

4) form of urban tissues, both in an historical and functional perspective;

5) protection areas and historical environment preservation.

6) notes on urban economy and urban-growth dynamics.


Some teaching materials and guidelines will be provided by the teachers - we will suggest the student to read some fundamental texts for urban planning culture:

- Habraken, John, "The structure of the Ordinary", Mit Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 1998;

- Lynch, Kevin; Hack, Gary, "Site Planning", Mit Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 1984 (II).

- Gosling, David, "Gordon Cullen", Academy Editions, s.l., 1996.

Teaching methods

The course is organized as follows:
- Introductory lectures on the main topics
- Exercises
- In-depth lessons
- visits to some significant transformation projects of the Italian cities
- Public discussion and checking of student work progression, step by step.
The workshop includes seminars with external lecturers from other
universities, as well as meetings and exchanges with other sections and
courses of the Workshop of Urban Planning and Design at the University
of Parma.

Assessment methods and criteria

Final exam, composed of three aspects:

1) discussion about solutions and statements assumed for the practical work;

2) some questions about theoretical and cultural aspects (planning instruments and parameter, planning legal rules, environmental aspects);

3) a classwork about calculations and urban parameters (end of may).

Other information
