cod. 14357

Academic year 2009/10
5° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Medicina interna (MED/09)
Clinica generale medica e chirurgica
Type of training activity
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
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course unit
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Integrated course unit module: INTERNSHIP YEAR V

Learning objectives

The student must acquire sufficient knowledge in order to be able to diagnose the main diseases in a polypathologic patient both in the adult and geriatric age group. He must know how to perform a differential evaluaton with other internal pathologies (problem solving) and demonstrate the ability to formulate the correct medical treatment – surgical and rehabilitative (decision making). <br />


The Integrated Course in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics is the conclusive part of the clinical-therapeutic learning process in which the student’s combined cognitive, psychomotor and psycho-attitudinal expertise acquired throughout the years lead them to acquire a more “unitary view of the patient”. <br />
The certified final exam requires that all the most obvious propaedeutical subjects have been taken; for instance, all of the “Medical” Integrated Courses such as Semeiotics, etc. Therefore, the only courses which are not a requirement are Clinical Surgery, Clinical Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Legal Medicine. <br />

Course unit content

<br />A clinical approach to the patient and to ethical and social problems in medicine from a holistic point of view. <br />
In an integrated vision, diagnostic-therapeutic problems in a patient with the following pathologies will be dealt with: <br />
1) pathologies of the immune system and of the connective tissue, 2) allergy pathologies, 3) intensive care, 4) geriatric pathology. <br />
Polypharmacotherapy problems in the elderly will also be dealt with. <br />
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The student learns how to perform the following medical skills: <br />
Conduct a correct medical anamnesis. Perform an objective examination. Read and interpret: T° ,FC, Blood pressure, FR, saturometry, diuresis, alvus. Perform an objective thoracic examination and interpret functionality tests, both normal and with different thoracic pathologies. Perform an objective abdominal examination and interpret gastro-intestinal, pancreatic, hepatical and renal functionality tests. Perform and evaluate a hydroelettrolitic and caloric balance. Interpret endocrinological functionality tests: hypophysis, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, gonads. Perform and interpret a treatment balance for diabetics and for the obese. Interpret the main hematological and oncological tests. Perform and interpret ECG; interpret other cardiac and vascular funzionality tests. Perform and interpret allergometrical and immunological tests. Situate and interpret geriatric and gerontological problems. <br />
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Full programme

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Bartoli E. e Coll. Medicina Interna. UTET <br />
Goldman Lee, Bennet Claude: 'Cecil' Trattato di Medicina Interna. Verduci Ed. <br />
Harrison's: Principi di Medicina Interna. Mc Graw Hill Ed. <br />
Rugarli C.: Manuale di Medicina Interna Sistematica. Masson Ed. <br />
Teodori U. e Coll.: Trattato di Medicina Interna. <br />

Teaching methods

Teachers: <br />
SSD MED/09: Prof.Pierpaolo Dall'Aglio(Coordinator),Prof.Almerico Novarini  , Prof.Giorgio Valenti, Prof.Roberto Delsignore, Prof.Carlo Buzio, Prof.Paolo Sansoni, Prof.Alberto Montanari, Prof.Antonio Bonetti, Prof.Gianpaolo Ceda, Prof.Giovanni Garini, Prof.Giuseppe Magnati, Prof.Giorgio Savazzi, Prof.Riccardo Volpi, Prof.Ivana Zavaroni, prof.Graziano Ceresini, Prof.Elisabetta Dall'Aglio, Prof.Giacomo Bruschi, Prof.Nicoletta Ronda, Prof.Giovanni Passeri, Prof.Mario Pedrazzoni, Prof.Vittorio Coiro <br />

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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