cod. 13086

Academic year 2009/10
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Storia della filosofia medievale (M-FIL/08)
Storia della filosofia
Type of training activity
100 hours
of face-to-face activities
10 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The so-called ‘Modulo A’ is addressed to students who have no specific background and competence in the field of Medieval Philosophy. The goal of the Modulo A is to acquaint students with the most important issues of Medieval Philosophy and Theology, while furnishing them with the necessary tools in order to obtain a solid knowledge of both the history and the historiography of Medieval Philosophy. The so-called ‘Modulo B’ aims further to approach students to the reading of philosophically significant texts.


No specific requirement is required for the introductory part (Modulo A), except for a general knowledge of the History of Philosophy, with a special regard to the Antiquity and the Late Antiquity. For the monographic part (Modulo B), instead, the knowledge of a specialised handbook of Medieval Philosophy is required.

Course unit content

Subject: Thomas Aquinas's "De ente et essentia". <br />
Summary: After devoting some introductory lessons to both the most important figures and topics of Medieval Philosophy (Modulo A, 6 CFU), the course aims at reading and commenting on one of the most important work of medieval philosophy, namely Thomas Aquinas's "De ente et essentia" (Modulo B, 6 CFU) . Specifically, the course aims at illustrating the influence exherted by such philosophers as Aristotle, Avicenna, and Averroes on Thomas Aquinas's philosophy. <br />

Full programme

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Modulo A: M. Bettetini-L. Bianchi-C. Marmo-P. Porro (a cura di), Filosofia medievale, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2004, and an handbook among: E. Gilson, La Philosophie au Moyen Age, Paris 1944 (trad. it. La filosofia nel Medioevo. Dalle origini patristiche alla fine del XIV secolo, Sansoni, Milano 2004); M.T. Fumagalli-M. Parodi, Storia della filosofia medievale, Economica Laterza, Roma-Bari 1989; L. Bianchi (a cura di), La filosofia nelle università. Secoli XIII-XIV, La Nuova Italia, Firenze 1997. <br />
Modulo B: Tommaso d'Aquino, L’ente e l’essenza, a cura di P. Porro, Bompiani, Milano 2002; J.-P. Torrell, Amico della verità. Vita e opere di Tommaso d’Aquino, trad. it. a cura di G.M. Carbone, EDS, Bologna 2006; G. Pini, Absoluta consideratio naturae. Tommaso d’Aquino e la dottrina avicenniana dell’essenza, in Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 15 (2004), pp. 387-437.

Teaching methods

The so-called ‘Modulo A’ is characterized by oral lessons devoted to the reconstruction of Medieval Philosophy and by some tutorials devoted to the examination of philosophical texts. The so-called ‘Modulo B’ is divided into two parts: after some lessons aimed to introducing the topic of the course, the course proposes the reading of a philosophical text. For the valuation of students, besides the oral exam, the attendance to lessons and the active participation to tutorials and discussions are especially appreciated. Moreover, at the end of the course it is required the elaboration of a paper concerning the texts examined during the lessons.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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