cod. 00035

Academic year 2008/09
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Anatomia umana (BIO/16)
Scienze biomediche
Type of training activity
16 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (ANATOMY

Learning objectives

<br /> <br />To acquire good knowledge of the morphology and the structure of the organs and the apparatuses of the human body.<br /> <br /> 


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Course unit content

<br /> <br />Locomotor apparatus. Structural Organization (cytological and molecular) of the Bone, Cartilage and Muscular tissue. Generality on the bones, on the joints, on the muscles. Head: bones of the braincase, of the massive facial; the skull. Trunk: spinal column, vertebrae, joints and muscles of the chest.<br />Circulatory apparatus. Cellular and molecular Organization of the endothelium. The heart (outdoor config, in-house config, structure of the heart, and of the cardiac valves), auriculoventricular vessels. Arteries (lay-out of the arteries, arteries of the pulmonary circulation and the general circulation). General organization of the lymphatic circulatory apparatus. The blood-brain barrier: molecular anatomy. Functional and molecular anatomy of the blood-forming organs (bone marrow) and lymphoid organs (thyme, spleen and lymph nodes).<br />Digestive apparatus. General organization: mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach. Stomach, slim intestine, duodeno, crass intestine. The Liver and the Bilious Tracts. The Pancreas and the pancreatic tracts. The Peritoneum. <br />Respiratory apparatus. General Organization: Larynx, Trachea, Bronchuses and Bellows. The mechanics of the respiration.<br />Urinary apparatus. The macroscopic and the microscopic anatomy of the kideny. Molecular and microscopic anatomy of the nephron. <br />Endosecretory apparatus. General organization. Hypothalamus nucleuses and the neurosecretion. hypophysis. Thyroid and parathyroids. Adrenal glands. The testicles and the ovaries.<br />Central Nervous System. General anatomy of the central nervous system: the trunk of the encephalon, the cerebellum, the diencephalon, and the spinal cord. The Motor Tracts and the Tracts of the General Sensibility. <br />Peripheral Nervous System. General organization of the spinal nerves. <br />Eye: macroscopic and microscopic anatomy. Functional anatomy of the vision: origin and pathways of the optic nerve.<br />Ear: macroscopic anatomy of the middle ear and the inside ear. Functional anatomy of the membrane labyrinth: origin and pathway of the vestibular and of acoustic nerve. <br />The Tegument. Structure and organization of the skin.<br /> <br /> 

Full programme

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Azzali G., Lockhart R. D., Hamilton G. F., Fyfe F. W.: Anatomia del corpo umano. CEA –Ambrosiana Milano.<br />
MARTINI F.H.: Anatomia Umana, EdiSES, Napoli<br />

Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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